Dean Lusher
Cited by
Cited by
An introduction to exponential random graph (p*) models for social networks
G Robins, P Pattison, Y Kalish, D Lusher
Social networks 29 (2), 173-191, 2007
Exponential random graph models for social networks: Theory, methods, and applications
D Lusher, J Koskinen, G Robins
Cambridge University Press, 2013
The application of social network analysis to team sports
D Lusher, G Robins, P Kremer
Measurement in physical education and exercise science 14 (4), 211-224, 2010
Psychological outcomes following the Victorian Black Saturday bushfires
RA Bryant, E Waters, L Gibbs, HC Gallagher, P Pattison, D Lusher, ...
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 48 (7), 634-643, 2014
Robotic movement elicits visuomotor priming in children with autism
AC Pierno, M Mari, D Lusher, U Castiello
Neuropsychologia 46 (2), 448-454, 2008
The focused organization of advice relations: A study in boundary crossing
A Lomi, D Lusher, PE Pattison, G Robins
Organization Science 25 (2), 438-457, 2014
Hegemonic and other masculinities in local social contexts
D Lusher, G Robins
Men and masculinities 11 (4), 387-423, 2009
Separating adaptive maintenance (resilience) and transformative capacity of social-ecological systems
S Wilson, LJ Pearson, Y Kashima, D Lusher, C Pearson
Ecology and Society 18 (1), 2013
Intergroup contact in context: The mediating role of social norms and group-based perceptions on the contact–prejudice link
A Ata, B Bastian, D Lusher
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 33 (6), 498-506, 2009
Longitudinal study of changing psychological outcomes following the Victorian Black Saturday bushfires
RA Bryant, L Gibbs, HC Gallagher, P Pattison, D Lusher, C MacDougall, ...
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 52 (6), 542-551, 2018
The neurocognitive components of pitch processing: insights from absolute pitch
SJ Wilson, D Lusher, CY Wan, P Dudgeon, DC Reutens
Cerebral cortex 19 (3), 724-732, 2009
Mental health and social networks after disaster
RA Bryant, HC Gallagher, L Gibbs, P Pattison, C MacDougall, L Harms, ...
American journal of psychiatry 174 (3), 277-285, 2017
The acquisition of perceived descriptive norms as social category learning in social networks
Y Kashima, S Wilson, D Lusher, LJ Pearson, C Pearson
Social Networks 35 (4), 711-719, 2013
Observing a human or a robotic hand grasping an object: Differential motor priming effects
U Castiello, D Lusher, M Mari, M Edwards, GW Humphreys
Common Mechanisms in Perception and Action-Attention and Performance 19, 315-333, 2002
Diversity work in community sport organizations: Commitment, resistance and institutional change
R Spaaij, J Magee, K Farquharson, S Gorman, R Jeanes, D Lusher, ...
International Review for the Sociology of Sport 53 (3), 278-295, 2018
‘Yes we are inclusive’: Examining provision for young people with disabilities in community sport clubs
R Jeanes, R Spaaij, J Magee, K Farquharson, S Gorman, D Lusher
Sport Management Review 21 (1), 38-50, 2018
Motor contagion from gaze: The case of autism
C Becchio, A Pierno, M Mari, D Lusher, U Castiello
Brain 130 (9), 2401-2411, 2007
Beyond Bushfires: Community, Resilience and Recovery-a longitudinal mixed method study of the medium to long term impacts of bushfires on mental health and social connectedness
L Gibbs, E Waters, RA Bryant, P Pattison, D Lusher, L Harms, ...
BMC public health 13, 1-10, 2013
Formation of social network structure
D Lusher, G Robins
Exponential random graph models for social networks, 16-28, 2013
Illustrations: simulation, estimation and goodness of fit
G Robins, D Lusher
Exponential random graph models for social networks: Theory, methods, and …, 2013
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Articles 1–20