Ciro Alberto Amaya
Ciro Alberto Amaya
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Cited by
Hybrid heuristic for the inventory location-routing problem with deterministic demand
WJ Guerrero, C Prodhon, N Velasco, CA Amaya
International Journal of Production Economics 146 (1), 359-370, 2013
Vehicle routing for urban snow plowing operations
N Perrier, A Langevin, CA Amaya
Transportation Science 42 (1), 44-56, 2008
The capacitated arc routing problem with refill points
A Amaya, A Langevin, M Trépanier
Operations Research Letters 35 (1), 45-53, 2007
A network-based approach to the multi-activity combined timetabling and crew scheduling problem: Workforce scheduling for public health policy implementation
D Barrera, N Velasco, CA Amaya
Computers & Industrial Engineering 63 (4), 802-812, 2012
The periodic capacitated arc routing problem with irregular services
IM Monroy, CA Amaya, A Langevin
Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (4-5), 691-701, 2013
A vehicle routing problem with multi-trips and time windows for circular items
L Martínez, CA Amaya
Journal of the Operational Research Society 64 (11), 1630-1643, 2013
A heuristic framework based on linear programming to solve the constrained joint replenishment problem (C-JRP)
CA Amaya, J Carvajal, F Castaño
International Journal of Production Economics 144 (1), 243-247, 2013
A relax‐and‐price heuristic for the inventory‐location‐routing problem
WJ Guerrero, C Prodhon, N Velasco, CA Amaya
International Transactions in Operational Research 22 (1), 129-148, 2015
Potenciando la contribución de la logística hospitalaria: tres casos, tres trayectorias
CA Amaya, M Beaulieu, S Landry, C Rebolledo, N Velasco
Management international 14 (4), 85-98, 2010
Modelo conceptual e instrumental de sostenibilidad organizacional a partir de la evaluación del tejido social empresarial
DM Garzón, CA Amaya, Ó Castellanos
Innovar 14 (24), 82-92, 2004
Logística Hospitalaria: Lecciones y retos para Colombia
N Velasco, D Barrera, CA Amaya
La saLud en CoLombia, 309, 2012
The rescheduling arc routing problem
M Monroy-Licht, CA Amaya, A Langevin, R Louis-Martin
International Transactions in Operational Research, 2016
Optimización de los recursos en los hospitales: revisión de la literatura sobre logística hospitalaria
AM Jiménez, JG Guerrero, CA Amaya, N Velasco
A heuristic method for the capacitated arc routing problem with refill points and multiple loads
CA Amaya, A Langevin, M Trépanier
Journal of the Operational Research Society 61 (7), 1095-1103, 2010
On the generalized elementary shortest path problem: A heuristic approach
WJ Guerrero, N Velasco, C Prodhon, CA Amaya
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 41, 503-510, 2013
Diseño de una metodología para establecer la vocación turística de un destino. Caso Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas
C Gómez, C Amaya, R Mundo
Teoria y praxis 77, 2014
The rural postman problem with time windows
M Monroy‐Licht, CA Amaya, A Langevin
Networks 64 (3), 169-180, 2014
Adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the rural postman problem with time windows
M Monroy‐Licht, CA Amaya, A Langevin
Networks 70 (1), 44-59, 2017
Optimization of the laundry service in a public hospital in Bogota dc, Colombia: A case of vehicle routing with split delivery
DC Florez, S Aguirre, CA Amaya, N Velasco
2008 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, 106-111, 2008
Revisión de procesos para la asignación de camas a pacientes provenientes de urgencias en un hospital privado de Bogotá
S Ardila, N Velasco, AM Jiménez, CA Amaya
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Articles 1–20