Demet Özer
Demet Özer
Assistant Professor at Bilkent University
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Cited by
Gesture use and processing: a review on individual differences in cognitive resources
D Özer, T Göksun
Frontiers in Psychology 11: 573555. 11, 2020
Visual-spatial and verbal abilities differentially affect processing of gestural vs. spoken expressions
D Özer, T Göksun
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 35 (7), 896-914, 2020
Differential roles of gestures on spatial language in neurotypical elderly adults and individuals with focal brain injury
D Özer, T Göksun, A Chatterjee
Cognitive neuropsychology 36 (5-6), 282-299, 2019
Gesture in language: Development across the lifespan
A Morgenstern, S Goldin-Meadow
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2021
The effects of gesture restriction on spatial language in young and elderly adults.
D Özer, M Tansan, EE Özer, K Malykhina, A Chatterjee, T Göksun
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of Cognitive Science Society …, 2017
Gesture use in L1-Turkish and L2-English: Evidence from emotional narrative retellings
L Emir Özder, D Özer, T Göksun
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (8), 1797-1816, 2023
Gestures cued by demonstratives in speech guides listeners' visual attention during spatial language comprehension
D Özer, D Karadöller, A Özyürek, T Göksun
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 152 (9), 2623–2635, 2023
Gesture in the aging brain.
T Göksun, D Özer, S AkbIyık
Gesture in language: Development across the lifespan, 2022
Children but not adults use both speech and gesture to produce informative expressions of left-right relations
DZ Karadöller, E Ünal, B Sumer, T Göksun, D Özer, A Ozyurek
the 44th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 44), 2019
Çocuklarda Mekansal Algının Gelişim Süreçleri
T Göksun, D Özer
Aklın Çocuk Hali: Zihin Gelişimi Araştırmaları, 107-130, 2016
Studying children’s object interaction in virtual reality: a manipulative gesture taxonomy for vr hand tracking
GE Baykal, A Leylekoğlu, S Arslan, D Ozer
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2023
Exploring Emotions Through Co-speech Gestures: The Caveats and New Directions
Z Aslan, D Özer, T Göksun
Emotion Review, 17540739241277820, 2024
Multimodal language in child-directed versus adult-directed speech
S Kandemir, D Özer, A Aktan-Erciyes
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (4), 716-728, 2024
Grammatical Complexity and Gesture Production of Younger and Older Adults
B Arslan, D ÖZER, T Göksun
Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi 34 (2), 201-216, 2023
A Aktan-Erciyes, DZ Karadöller, D Özer
Bilişsel Psikoloji: Bilişin Davranışsal ve Fizyolojik Temeli, 237-258, 2023
Gestures facilitate spatial language comprehension for listeners with higher spatial abilities
D Özer, A Özyürek, T Göksun
International Conference on Gesture Studies, Chicago, IL., 2022
Roles of co-speech gestures in L1 and L2: Evidence from emotional narrative retelling
LE Özder, D Özer, T Göksun
International Conference on Gesture Studies, Chicago, IL., 2022
Children’s receptive vocabulary predicts iconic gesture comprehension
I Dogan, D Özer, A Aktan-Erciyes, R Furman, E Demir-Lira, Ş Özçalışkan, ...
Paper presented as part of the symposium. Further exploring the predictive …, 2022
The asymmetry between descriptions of vertical and horizontal spatial relations
FN Dik, D Özer, A Eskioğlu, A Kranjec, T Göksun
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 43 (43), 2021
Is it for all? Spatial abilities matter in processing gestures during the comprehension of spatial language
D Özer, A Ozyurek, T Göksun
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 43 (43), 2021
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Articles 1–20