Andreas Bischof
Andreas Bischof
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A critique of robotics in health care
A Maibaum, A Bischof, J Hergesell, B Lipp
AI & society, 1-11, 2022
Soziale Maschinen bauen: Epistemische Praktiken der Sozialrobotik
A Bischof
transcript Verlag, 2017
Loaded dice: exploring the design space of connected devices with blind and visually impaired people
K Lefeuvre, S Totzauer, A Bischof, A Kurze, M Storz, L Ullmann, A Berger
Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 1-10, 2016
Guess the data: data work to understand how people make sense of and use simple sensor data from homes
A Kurze, A Bischof, S Totzauer, M Storz, M Eibl, M Brereton, A Berger
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing systems …, 2020
Praxis Grounded Theory
C Pentzold, A Bischof, N Heise
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018
Making affordances real: socio-material prefiguration, performed agency, and coordinated activities in human–robot communication
C Pentzold, A Bischof
Social Media+ Society 5 (3), 2056305119865472, 2019
The inflatable cat: Idiosyncratic ideation of smart objects for the home
A Berger, W Odom, M Storz, A Bischof, A Kurze, E Hornecker
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2019
Theorieorientiertes Kodieren, kein Containern von Inhalten! Methodologische Überlegungen am Beispiel jugendlicher Facebook-Nutzung
A Bischof, M Wohlrab-Sahr
Praxis Grounded Theory: Theoriegenerierendes empirisches Forschen in …, 2018
Configuring the older adult: how age and ageing are re-configured in gerontechnology design
A Bischof, J Jarke
Socio-gerontechnology, 2021
The interactive enactment of care technologies and its implications for human-robot-interaction in care
E Hornecker, A Bischof, P Graf, L Franzkowiak, N Krüger
Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2020
Sensorstation: Exploring simple sensor data in the context of a shared apartment
T Denefleh, A Berger, A Kurze, A Bischof, C Frauenberger
Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 683-695, 2019
Sensing home: Participatory exploration of smart sensors in the home
A Berger, A Bischof, S Totzauer, M Storz, K Lefeuvre, A Kurze
Social internet of things, 123-142, 2019
Bricks, blocks, boxes, cubes, and dice: on the role of cubic shapes for the design of tangible interactive devices
K Lefeuvre, S Totzauer, M Storz, A Kurze, A Bischof, A Berger
Proceedings of the 2018 Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 485-496, 2018
Einleitung: Theoriegenerierendes empirisches Forschen in medienbezogenen Lebenswelten
C Pentzold, A Bischof, N Heise
Praxis Grounded Theory: Theoriegenerierendes empirisches Forschen in …, 2018
Loaded Dice: How to cheat your way to creativity
K Lefeuvre, S Totzauer, A Bischof, M Storz, A Kurze, A Berger
Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Research Through Design Conference. https …, 2017
Exploring the playfulness of tools for co-designing smart connected devices: A case study with blind and visually impaired students
A Bischof, K Lefeuvre, A Kurze, M Storz, S Totzauer, A Berger
Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in …, 2016
Machtförmige praktiken durch sensordaten in wohnungen
J Richter, A Bischof, A Kurze, S Totzauer, M Freiermuth, M Storz, ...
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2018
„Wir wollten halt etwas mit Robotern in Care machen “. Epistemische Bedingungen der Entwicklungen von Robotern für die Pflege
A Bischof
Genese und Folgen der „Pflegerobotik “. Die Konstitution eines …, 2020
Accidentally Evil: On Questionable Values in Smart Home Co-Design
A Berger, A Kurze, A Bischof, JJ Benjamin, RY Wong, N Merrill
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2023
Beyond dyadic HRI: building robots for society
E Hornecker, A Krummheuer, A Bischof, M Rehm
interactions 29 (3), 48-53, 2022
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Articles 1–20