Thiago Ferreira Covões
Thiago Ferreira Covões
Thomson Reuters Labs
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Cited by
Fake news detection in multiple platforms and languages
PHA Faustini, TF Covoes
Expert Systems with Applications 158, 113503, 2020
Fake news detection using one-class classification
P Faustini, T Covões
2019 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 592-597, 2019
A study of k-means-based algorithms for constrained clustering
TF Covoes, ER Hruschka, J Ghosh
Intelligent Data Analysis 17 (3), 485-505, 2013
Towards improving cluster-based feature selection with a simplified silhouette filter
TF Covões, ER Hruschka
Information Sciences 181 (18), 3766-3782, 2011
Feature selection for cluster analysis: an approach based on the simplified Silhouette criterion
ER Hruschka, TF Covoes
International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling …, 2005
A cluster-based feature selection approach
TF Covões, ER Hruschka, LN de Castro, ÁM Santos
Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems: 4th International Conference, HAIS …, 2009
Feature selection for clustering problems: a hybrid algorithm that iterates between k-means and a Bayesian filter
ER Hruschka, TF Covoes, NFF Ebecken
Fifth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'05), 6 pp., 2005
Unsupervised learning of gaussian mixture models: Evolutionary create and eliminate for expectation maximization algorithm
TF Covões, ER Hruschka
2013 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 3206-3213, 2013
A comparative study on the use of correlation coefficients for redundant feature elimination
PA Jaskowiak, RJGB Campello, TF Covoes, ER Hruschka
2010 Eleventh Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, 13-18, 2010
Seleção de atributos via agrupamento
TF Covões
Universidade de São Paulo, 2010
Competitive learning with pairwise constraints
TF Covões, ER Hruschka, J Ghosh
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 24 (1), 164-169, 2012
Improving evolutionary constrained clustering using Active Learning
MC Fernandes, TF Covões, ALV Pereira
Knowledge-Based Systems 209, 106452, 2020
Hierarchical bottom-up safe semi-supervised support vector machines for multi-class transductive learning
TF Covões, RC Barros, TS da Silva, ER Hruschka, AC de Carvalho
Journal of Information and Data Management 4 (3), 357-357, 2013
Bayesian feature selection for clustering problems
ER Hruschka, ER Hruschka Jr, TF Covões, NFF Ebecken
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management 5 (04), 315-327, 2006
Evolving gaussian mixture models with splitting and merging mutation operators
TF Covões, ER Hruschka, J Ghosh
Evolutionary computation 24 (2), 293-317, 2016
Splitting and merging gaussian mixture model components: An evolutionary approach
TF Covões, ER Hruschka
2011 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications and …, 2011
An experimental study on unsupervised clustering-based feature selection methods
TF Covões, ER Hruschka
2009 Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2009
Classification with multi-modal classes using evolutionary algorithms and constrained clustering
TF Covões, ER Hruschka
2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1-8, 2018
Active learning for evolutionary constrained clustering
MC Fernandes, TF Covões, ALV Pereira
2019 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 162-167, 2019
Low and high level classification using stacking
TF Covões, Z Liang
2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2525-2532, 2017
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Articles 1–20