Marc Salomon
Cited by
Cited by
Strategic issues in product recovery management
M Thierry, M Salomon, J Van Nunen, L Van Wassenhove
California management review 37 (2), 114-136, 1995
Inventory control in hybrid systems with remanufacturing
E Van der Laan, M Salomon, R Dekker, L Van Wassenhove
Management science 45 (5), 733-747, 1999
Production planning and inventory control with remanufacturing and disposal
E Van der Laan, M Salomon
European Journal of Operational Research 102 (2), 264-278, 1997
Batching decisions: structure and models
R Kuik, M Salomon, LN Van Wassenhove
European journal of operational research 75 (2), 243-263, 1994
Routing trains through railway stations: Model formulation and algorithms
PJ Zwaneveld, LG Kroon, HE Romeijn, M Salomon, S Dauzere-Peres, ...
Transportation science 30 (3), 181-194, 1996
Deterministic lotsizing models for production planning
M Salomon
Springer-Verlag, 1991
An (s, Q) inventory model with remanufacturing and disposal
E Van der Laan, R Dekker, M Salomon, A Ridder
International journal of production economics 46, 339-350, 1996
An investigation of lead-time effects in manufacturing/remanufacturing systems under simple PUSH and PULL control strategies
E van der Laan, M Salomon, R Dekker
European Journal of Operational Research 115 (1), 195-214, 1999
Joint route planning under varying market conditions
F Cruijssen, O Bräysy, W Dullaert, H Fleuren, M Salomon
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 37 (4 …, 2007
Some extensions of the discrete lotsizing and scheduling problem
M Salomon, LG Kroon, R Kuik, LN Van Wassenhove
Management Science 37 (7), 801-812, 1991
Product remanufacturing and disposal: A numerical comparison of alternative control strategies
E Van der Laan, R Dekker, M Salomon
International Journal of Production Economics 45 (1-3), 489-498, 1996
A dual ascent and column generation heuristic for the discrete lotsizing and scheduling problem with setup times
D Cattrysse, M Salomon, R Kuik, LN Van Wassenhove
Management Science 39 (4), 477-486, 1993
Linear programming, simulated annealing and tabu search heuristics for lotsizing in bottleneck assembly systems
R Kuik, M Salomon, LN Van Wassenhove, J Maes
IIE transactions 25 (1), 62-72, 1993
Multi-level lot-sizing problem: Evaluation of a simulated-annealing heuristic
R Kuik, M Salomon
European Journal of Operational Research 45 (1), 25-37, 1990
A set partitioning heuristic for the generalized assignment problem
DG Cattrysse, M Salomon, LN Van Wassenhove
European Journal of Operational Research 72 (1), 167-174, 1994
Allocation of railway rolling stock for passenger trains
E Abbink, B Van den Berg, L Kroon, M Salomon
Transportation Science 38 (1), 33-41, 2004
Solving the discrete lotsizing and scheduling problem with sequence dependent set-up costs and set-up times using the travelling salesman problem with time windows
M Salomon, MM Solomon, LN Van Wassenhove, Y Dumas, ...
European Journal of Operational Research 100 (3), 494-513, 1997
Exact and approximation algorithms for the operational fixed interval scheduling problem
LG Kroon, M Salomon, LN Van Wassenhove
European Journal of Operational Research 82 (1), 190-205, 1995
The capacitated distribution and waste disposal problem
JM Bloemhof-Ruwaard, M Salomon, LN Van Wassenhove
European Journal of Operational Research 88 (3), 490-503, 1996
Exact and approximation algorithms for the tactical fixed interval scheduling problem
LG Kroon, M Salomon, LN Van Wassenhove
Operations Research 45 (4), 624-638, 1997
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Articles 1–20