Eduardo Chavez
Eduardo Chavez
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Concentration of cadmium in cacao beans and its relationship with soil cadmium in southern Ecuador
E Chavez, ZL He, PJ Stoffella, RS Mylavarapu, YC Li, B Moyano, ...
Science of the total environment 533, 205-214, 2015
Soil properties and agronomic factors affecting cadmium concentrations in cacao beans: A nationwide survey in Ecuador
D Argüello, E Chavez, F Lauryssen, R Vanderschueren, E Smolders, ...
Science of the total environment 649, 120-127, 2019
Chemical speciation of cadmium: An approach to evaluate plant-available cadmium in Ecuadorian soils under cacao production
E Chavez, ZL He, PJ Stoffella, RS Mylavarapu, YC Li, VC Baligar
Chemosphere 150, 57-62, 2016
Mitigating the level of cadmium in cacao products: Reviewing the transfer of cadmium from soil to chocolate bar
R Vanderschueren, D Argüello, H Blommaert, D Montalvo, F Barraza, ...
Science of the Total Environment 781, 146779, 2021
Probabilistic multi-pathway human health risk assessment due to heavy metal (loid) s in a traditional gold mining area in Ecuador
S Jiménez-Oyola, E Chavez, MJ García-Martínez, MF Ortega, D Bolonio, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 224, 112629, 2021
Adsorption of cadmium using biochars produced from agro-residues
JE López, S Builes, MA Heredia Salgado, LAC Tarelho, C Arroyave, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (27), 14592-14602, 2020
Evaluación comparativa de la calidad del compost producido a partir de diferentes combinaciones de desechos agroindustriales azucareros
F Gordillo, E Chávez
Evaluation of soil amendments as a remediation alternative for cadmium-contaminated soils under cacao plantations
E Chavez, ZL He, PJ Stoffella, R Mylavarapu, Y Li, VC Baligar
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 17571-17580, 2016
The impact of fermentation on the distribution of cadmium in cacao beans
R Vanderschueren, V De Mesmaeker, S Mounicou, MP Isaure, E Doelsch, ...
Food Research International 127, 108743, 2020
Comunicación familiar y su relación con la depresión en estudiantes del 5 de secundaria de la institución educativa Adventista Puno, 2015
E Chávez
Universidad Peruana Unión, Perú, 2016
Producción y evaluación del proceso de compostaje a partir de desechos agroindustriales de Saccharum officinarum (caña de azúcar)
F Gordillo, E Peralta, E Chávez, V Contreras, A Campuzano, O Ruiz
Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional, DNA SICC, INTA, 2011
Ecological and probabilistic human health risk assessment of heavy metal (loid) s in river sediments affected by mining activities in Ecuador
S Jiménez-Oyola, MJ García-Martínez, MF Ortega, E Chavez, P Romero, ...
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 43 (11), 4459-4474, 2021
Reducing cadmium bioaccumulation in Theobroma cacao using biochar: basis for scaling-up to field
JE López, C Arroyave, A Aristizábal, B Almeida, S Builes, E Chavez
Heliyon 8 (6), 2022
Surface soil liming reduces cadmium uptake in cacao seedlings but subsurface uptake is enhanced
D Argüello, D Montalvo, H Blommaert, E Chavez, E Smolders
Journal of environmental quality 49 (5), 1359-1369, 2020
Bienestar psicológico y autoeficacia en estudiantes de la escuela profesional de psicologia de la Universidad Peruana Unión Filial Juliaca-2016
E Chávez
Juliaca: Universidad Peruana Unión, 2016
El liderazgo personal e interpersonal en docentes y estudiantes de enfermería de la UNMSM
E Chávez
Ciudad de Lima. Recuperado en: http://webcache. googleusercontent. com/search, 2007
Determinación de la calidad de biofertilizantes líquidos y estudio del potencial para la inhibición de Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet en condiciones controladas y como …
E Chávez
ESPOL-Tesis de Grado. Ecuador, 2009
Diagnóstico del estado del arte de la cadena de valor del cacao en América Latina y el Caribe
JL Zambrano, EF Chávez
Quito: Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP …, 2018
Snoring and sleep-related symptoms in three Latin-American cities
L Torre-Bouscoulet, E Chávez, MS Meza, JC Vázquez, F Franco, A Muino, ...
Proc Am Thorac Soc 2, A767, 2005
Relación entre la satisfacción sexual y la infidelidad en pacientes de 20–40 años atendidos en el hospital distrital de Laredo durante el año 2013
E Chávez, K Juárez
Perú. Recuperado de: http://repositorio. upao. edu. pe/handle/upaorep/1703, 2016
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