Gender, values, and occupational interests among children, adolescents, and adults ES Weisgram, RS Bigler, LS Liben Child Development 81 (3), 778-796, 2010 | 326 | 2010 |
New routes to recruiting and retaining women in STEM: Policy implications of a communal goal congruity perspective AB Diekman, ES Weisgram, AL Belanger Social Issues and Policy Review 9 (1), 52-88, 2015 | 301 | 2015 |
Pink gives girls permission: Exploring the roles of explicit gender labels and gender-typed colors on preschool children's toy preferences ES Weisgram, M Fulcher, LM Dinella Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 35 (5), 401-409, 2014 | 233 | 2014 |
Effects of learning about gender discrimination on adolescent girls' attitudes toward and interest in science ES Weisgram, RS Bigler Psychology of Women Quarterly 31 (3), 262-269, 2007 | 222 | 2007 |
Girls and science careers: The role of altruistic values and attitudes about scientific tasks ES Weisgram, RS Bigler Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 27 (4), 326-348, 2006 | 217 | 2006 |
The role of masculinity/femininity, values, and occupational value affordances in shaping young men’s and women’s occupational choices ES Weisgram, LM Dinella, M Fulcher Sex roles 65, 243-258, 2011 | 162 | 2011 |
Identity development and alcohol consumption: Current and retrospective self‐reports by college students DI Bishop, ES Weisgram, KM Holleque, KE Lund, JR Wheeler‐Anderson Journal of adolescence 28 (4), 523-533, 2005 | 108 | 2005 |
Sex-typed personality traits and gender identity as predictors of young adults’ career interests LM Dinella, M Fulcher, ES Weisgram Archives of sexual behavior 43, 493-504, 2014 | 107 | 2014 |
Putting belonging in context: Communal affordances signal belonging in STEM AL Belanger, MP Joshi, MA Fuesting, ES Weisgram, HM Claypool, ... Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (8), 1186-1204, 2020 | 80 | 2020 |
Gender-typing of children’s toys: Causes, consequences, and correlates LM Dinella, ES Weisgram Sex Roles 79, 253-259, 2018 | 80 | 2018 |
The cognitive construction of gender stereotypes: Evidence for the dual pathways model of gender differentiation ES Weisgram Sex Roles 75, 301-313, 2016 | 63 | 2016 |
Making STEM “family friendly”: The impact of perceiving science careers as family-compatible ES Weisgram, AB Diekman Social Sciences 6 (2), 61, 2017 | 61 | 2017 |
Children’s gender-typed toy interests: Does propulsion matter? LM Dinella, ES Weisgram, M Fulcher Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, 1295-1305, 2017 | 60 | 2017 |
Gender typing of children's toys: How early play experiences impact development. ES Weisgram, LM Dinella American Psychological Association, 2018 | 54 | 2018 |
Predictors of gender-typed toy purchases by prospective parents and mothers: The roles of childhood experiences and gender attitudes ES Weisgram, ST Bruun Sex Roles 79, 342-357, 2018 | 52 | 2018 |
Constructing a feminist reorganization of the heterosexual breadwinner/caregiver family model: College students’ plans for their own future families M Fulcher, LM Dinella, ES Weisgram Sex Roles 73, 174-186, 2015 | 51 | 2015 |
Family friendly STEM: Perspectives on recruiting and retaining women in STEM fields E Weisgram, A Diekman International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology 8 (1), 38-45, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |
Of men and money: Characteristics of occupations that affect the gender differentiation of children’s occupational interests AR Hayes, RS Bigler, ES Weisgram Sex Roles 78, 775-788, 2018 | 39 | 2018 |
THE ROLE OF ATTITUDES AND INTERVENTION IN HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS'INTEREST IN COMPUTER SCIENCE ES Weisgram, RS Bigler Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 12 (4), 2006 | 34 | 2006 |
Cognitive consequences of gendered toy play. LS Liben, KM Schroeder, GA Borriello, ES Weisgram American Psychological Association, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |