Farzana Rahman
Cited by
Cited by
A privacy preserving framework for RFID based healthcare systems
F Rahman, MZA Bhuiyan, SI Ahamed
Future generation computer systems 72, 339-352, 2017
Handbook of Energy-Aware and Green Computing, Volume 1
I Ahmad, S Ranka
CRC Press, 2012
Enhancing privacy and security of RFID system with serverless authentication and search protocols in pervasive environments
ME Hoque, F Rahman, SI Ahamed, JH Park
Wireless personal communications 55, 65-79, 2010
ERAP: ECC based RFID authentication protocol
SI Ahamed, F Rahman, E Hoque
2008 12th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed …, 2008
Design, analysis, and deployment of omnipresent formal trust model (FTM) with trust bootstrapping for pervasive environments
SI Ahamed, MM Haque, ME Hoque, F Rahman, N Talukder
Journal of Systems and Software 83 (2), 253-270, 2010
iPrevention towards a novel real-time smartphone-based fall prevention system
AJA Majumder, F Rahman, I Zerin, W Ebel Jr, SI Ahamed
Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 513-518, 2013
Design and implementation of an open framework for ubiquitous carbon footprint calculator applications
F Rahman, C O’Brien, SI Ahamed, H Zhang, L Liu
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 1 (4), 257-274, 2011
S3PR: Secure serverless search protocols for RFID
SI Ahamed, F Rahman, E Hoque, F Kawsar, T Nakajima
2008 International Conference on Information Security and Assurance (isa …, 2008
AnonPri: An efficient anonymous private authentication protocol
ME Hoque, F Rahman, SI Ahamed
2011 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2011
Anonpri: A secure anonymous private authentication protocol for RFID systems
F Rahman, ME Hoque, SI Ahamed
Information Sciences 379, 195-210, 2017
Secure and efficient tag searching in RFID systems using serverless search protocol
SI Ahamed, F Rahman, E Hoque, F Kawsar, T Nakajima
Int. J. Security and Its Applications 2 (4), 57-66, 2008
Preserve your privacy with pco: A privacy sensitive architecture for context obfuscation for pervasive e-community based applications
F Rahman, ME Hoque, FA Kawsar, SI Ahamed
2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Social Computing, 41-48, 2010
Enhanced Partial Dominant Pruning (EPDP) Based Broadcasting in Ad hoc Wireless Networks.
A Rahman, ME Hoque, F Rahman, SK Kundu, P Gburzynski
J. Networks 4 (9), 895-904, 2009
Efficient detection of counterfeit products in large-scale RFID systems using batch authentication protocols
F Rahman, SI Ahamed
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 1-12, 2013
Green banking activities in Bangladesh: An analysis and summary of initiatives of Bangladesh Bank
F Rahman, MM Perves
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 7 (10), 6-7, 2016
Cloud-based low-cost energy monitoring system through internet of things
C Fulk, G Hobar, K Olsen, S El-Tawab, F Rahman, P Ghazizadeh
2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2019
Seeing beyond visibility: A four way fusion of user authentication for efficient usable security on mobile devices
F Rahman, MO Gani, GMT Ahsan, SI Ahamed
2014 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Software Security and …, 2014
A wireless IoT system towards gait detection in stroke patients
AKMJA Majumder, Y ElSaadany, M ElSaadany, DR Ucci, F Rahman
2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2017
Effect of crop establishment methods and weed management practices on the productivity of boro rice in lowland ecosystem
MH Kabir, A Saha, IU Mollah, MS Kabir, F Rahman
Int. J. Biol. Res 5, 42-51, 2008
YA-SRAP: Yet another serverless RFID authentication protocol
SI Ahamed, E Hoque, F Rahman, F Kawsar, T Nakajima
IET Digital Library, 2008
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Articles 1–20