EuPRAXIA conceptual design report RW Assmann, MK Weikum, T Akhter, D Alesini, AS Alexandrova, ... The European Physical Journal Special Topics 229, 3675-4284, 2020 | 169 | 2020 |
Full twisted Poincaré symmetry and quantum field theory on Moyal-Weyl spaces G Fiore, J Wess Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 75 (10), 105022, 2007 | 132 | 2007 |
Muon collider forum report KM Black, S Jindariani, D Li, F Maltoni, P Meade, D Stratakis, D Acosta, ... Journal of Instrumentation 19 (02), T02015, 2024 | 80 | 2024 |
THE SO q (N, R)-SYMMETRIC HARMONIC OSCILLATOR ON THE QUANTUM EUCLIDEAN SPACE AND ITS HILBERT SPACE STRUCTURE G Fiore International Journal of Modern Physics A 8 (26), 4679-4729, 1993 | 59 | 1993 |
Identical particles and quantum symmetries G Fiore, P Schupp Nuclear Physics B 470 (1-2), 211-235, 1996 | 48 | 1996 |
Geometrical tools for quantum Euclidean spaces BL Cerchiai, G Fiore, J Madore Communications in Mathematical Physics 217, 521-554, 2001 | 47 | 2001 |
Leibniz rules and reality conditions G Fiore, J Madore The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 17, 359-366, 2000 | 44 | 2000 |
Deforming Maps for Lie Group Covariant Creation & Annihilation Operators G Fiore J. Math. Phys. 39, 3437-3452, 1998 | 43 | 1998 |
Drift chamber for the CMD-3 detector F Grancagnolo, G Fiore, FV Ignatov, AV Karavdina, BI Khazin, A Miccoli, ... Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2010 | 35 | 2010 |
On second quantization on noncommutative spaces with twisted symmetries G Fiore Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (15), 155401, 2010 | 32 | 2010 |
A 7-year follow-up of patients with thyroid cysts and pseudocysts treated with percutaneous ethanol injection: volume change and cost analysis B Raggiunti, G Fiore, A Mongia, G Balducci, E Ballone, F Capone Journal of Ultrasound 12 (3), 107-111, 2009 | 32 | 2009 |
Quantum groups SOq (N), Spq (n) have q-determinants, too G Fiore Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 27 (11), 3795, 1994 | 30 | 1994 |
The geometry of the quantum Euclidean space G Fiore, J Madore Journal of Geometry and Physics 33 (3-4), 257-287, 2000 | 28 | 2000 |
On q-Deformations of Clifford Algebras G Fiore Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics: Algebra …, 2000 | 28* | 2000 |
Precise measurements of drift velocities in helium gas mixtures P Bernardini, G Fiore, R Gerardi, F Grancagnolo, U Von Hagel, ... Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1995 | 28 | 1995 |
Drinfel’d Twist and q-Deforming Maps for Lie Group Covariant Heisenberg Algebras G Fiore Rev. Math. Phys. 12, 327-359, 2000 | 27 | 2000 |
Statistics and quantum group symmetries G Fiore, P Schupp Banach Center Publications 40 (1), 369-377, 1997 | 27 | 1997 |
The Euclidean Hopf algebra Uq(eN) and its fundamental Hilbert space representations G Fiore J. Math. Phys. 36, 4363-4405, 1995 | 27 | 1995 |
Realization ofU q (so(N)) within the differential algebra onR q N G Fiore Communications in mathematical physics 169, 475-500, 1995 | 25 | 1995 |
Class of invariants for the two-dimensional time-dependent Landau problem and harmonic oscillator in a magnetic field G Fiore, L Gouba Journal of mathematical physics 52 (10), 2011 | 24 | 2011 |