Nicola Dell
Nicola Dell
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“A Stalker’s Paradise”: How Intimate Partner Abusers Exploit Technology
D Freed, J Palmer, D Minchala, K Levy, T Ristenpart, N Dell
"Yours is better!" participant response bias in HCI
N Dell, V Vaidyanathan, I Medhi, E Cutrell, W Thies
Proceedings of the sigchi conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2012
Digital technologies and intimate partner violence: A qualitative analysis with multiple stakeholders
D Freed, J Palmer, DE Minchala, K Levy, T Ristenpart, N Dell
Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction 1 (CSCW), 1-22, 2017
Experiences of home health care workers in New York City during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: a qualitative analysis
MR Sterling, E Tseng, A Poon, J Cho, AC Avgar, LM Kern, CK Ankuda, ...
JAMA internal medicine 180 (11), 1453-1459, 2020
Design within a patriarchal society: Opportunities and challenges in designing for rural women in Bangladesh
S Sultana, F Guimbretière, P Sengers, N Dell
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
Yum-me: a personalized nutrient-based meal recommender system
L Yang, CK Hsieh, H Yang, JP Pollak, N Dell, S Belongie, C Cole, D Estrin
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 36 (1), 1-31, 2017
The Ins and Outs of HCI for Development
N Dell, N Kumar
The spyware used in intimate partner violence
R Chatterjee, P Doerfler, H Orgad, S Havron, J Palmer, D Freed, K Levy, ...
2018 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 441-458, 2018
Open data kit 2.0: expanding and refining information services for developing regions
W Brunette, M Sundt, N Dell, R Chaudhri, N Breit, G Borriello
Proceedings of the 14th workshop on mobile computing systems and …, 2013
Sok: Hate, harassment, and the changing landscape of online abuse
K Thomas, D Akhawe, M Bailey, D Boneh, E Bursztein, S Consolvo, ...
2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 247-267, 2021
Digital privacy challenges with shared mobile phone use in Bangladesh
SI Ahmed, MR Haque, J Chen, N Dell
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-computer Interaction 1 (CSCW), 1-20, 2017
Good vibrations: can a digital nudge reduce digital overload?
F Okeke, M Sobolev, N Dell, D Estrin
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on human-computer …, 2018
Clinical computer security for victims of intimate partner violence
S Havron, D Freed, R Chatterjee, D McCoy, N Dell, T Ristenpart
28th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 19), 105-122, 2019
Engaging pregnant women in Kenya with a hybrid computer-human SMS communication system
T Perrier, N Dell, B DeRenzi, R Anderson, J Kinuthia, J Unger, ...
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2015
Trauma-informed computing: Towards safer technology experiences for all
JX Chen, A McDonald, Y Zou, E Tseng, KA Roundy, A Tamersoy, ...
Proceedings of the 2022 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2022
Privacy, security, and surveillance in the Global South: A study of biometric mobile SIM registration in Bangladesh
SI Ahmed, MR Haque, S Guha, MR Rifat, N Dell
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
The Tools and Tactics Used in Intimate Partner Surveillance: An Analysis of Online Infidelity Forums
E Tseng, R Bellini, N McDonald, M Danos, R Greenstadt, D McCoy, N Dell, ...
29th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 20), 1893--1909, 2020
"Is my phone hacked?" Analyzing Clinical Computer Security Interventions with Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
D Freed, S Havron, E Tseng, A Gallardo, R Chatterjee, T Ristenpart, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 3 (CSCW), 1-24, 2019
Social media platforms for low-income blind people in India
A Vashistha, E Cutrell, N Dell, R Anderson
Proceedings of the 17th International ACM SIGACCESS conference on computers …, 2015
"It cannot do all of my work": Community Health Worker Perceptions of AI-Enabled Mobile Health Applications in Rural India
CT Okolo, S Kamath, N Dell, A Vashistha
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Articles 1–20