Pedro A. García-Encina (ORCID 0000-0002-3077-3181)
Pedro A. García-Encina (ORCID 0000-0002-3077-3181)
Professor of Environmental Technology. University of Valladolid. Spain
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Cited by
Influence of pH over nitrifying biofilm activity in submerged biofilters
S Villaverde, PA Garcia-Encina, F Fdz-Polanco
Water Research 31 (5), 1180-1186, 1997
Long-term operation of high rate algal ponds for the bioremediation of piggery wastewaters at high loading rates
I De Godos, S Blanco, PA García-Encina, E Becares, R Muñoz
Bioresource Technology 100 (19), 4332-4339, 2009
Carbon and nutrient removal from centrates and domestic wastewater using algal–bacterial biofilm bioreactors
E Posadas, PA García-Encina, A Soltau, A Domínguez, I Díaz, R Muñoz
Bioresource technology 139, 50-58, 2013
Effect of thermal, acid, alkaline and alkaline-peroxide pretreatments on the biochemical methane potential and kinetics of the anaerobic digestion of wheat straw and sugarcane …
S Bolado-Rodríguez, C Toquero, J Martín-Juárez, R Travaini, ...
Bioresource Technology 201, 182-190, 2016
A comparative evaluation of microalgae for the degradation of piggery wastewater under photosynthetic oxygenation
I de Godos, VA Vargas, S Blanco, MCG González, R Soto, ...
Bioresource technology 101 (14), 5150-5158, 2010
Consumption and occurrence of pharmaceutical and personal care products in the aquatic environment in Spain
SO de García, GP Pinto, PG Encina, RI Mata
Science of the Total Environment 444, 451-465, 2013
Nitrifying biofilm acclimation to free ammonia in submerged biofilters. Start-up influence
S Villaverde, F Fdz-Polanco, PA García-Encina
Water Research 34 (2), 602, 2000
Ecotoxicity and environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in aquatic environments and wastewater treatment plants
SA Ortiz de García, G Pinto Pinto, PA García-Encina, R Irusta-Mata
Ecotoxicology 23, 1517-1533, 2014
Spatial distribution of heterotrophs and nitrifiers in a submerged biofilter for nitrification
F Fdz-Polanco, E Méndez, MA Urueña, S Villaverde, PA García
Water Research 34 (16), 4081-4089, 2000
Impact of substrate to inoculum ratio in anaerobic digestion of swine slurry
C González-Fernández, PA García-Encina
Biomass and Bioenergy 33 (8), 1065-1069, 2009
New process for simultaneous removal of nitrogen and sulphur under anaerobic conditions
F Fdz-Polanco, M Fdz-Polanco, N Fernandez, MA Urueña, PA Garcia, ...
Water Research 35 (4), 1111-1114, 2001
Coagulation/flocculation-based removal of algal–bacterial biomass from piggery wastewater treatment
I De Godos, HO Guzman, R Soto, PA García-Encina, E Becares, R Muñoz, ...
Bioresource technology 102 (2), 923-927, 2011
Odor abatement in biotrickling filters: Effect of the EBRT on methyl mercaptan and hydrophobic VOCs removal
R Lebrero, E Rodríguez, JM Estrada, PA García-Encina, R Muñoz
Bioresource Technology 109, 38-45, 2012
Denitrification with methane as electron donor in oxygen-limited bioreactors
C Costa, C Dijkema, M Friedrich, P Garcia-Encina, F Fernandez-Polanco, ...
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 53, 754-762, 2000
The use of methane as a sole carbon source for wastewater denitrification
F Thalasso, A Vallecillo, P Garcia-Encina, F Fdz-Polanco
Water Research 31 (1), 55-60, 1997
Microalgae-based processes for the biodegradation of pretreated piggery wastewaters
C González, J Marciniak, S Villaverde, PA García-Encina, R Muñoz
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 80, 891-898, 2008
Influence of biogas flow rate on biomass composition during the optimization of biogas upgrading in microalgal-bacterial processes
ML Serejo, E Posadas, MA Boncz, S Blanco, P García-Encina, R Muñoz
Environmental science & technology 49 (5), 3228-3236, 2015
Simultaneous nutrients and carbon removal during pretreated swine slurry degradation in a tubular biofilm photobioreactor
I De Godos, C González, E Becares, PA García-Encina, R Muñoz
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 82, 187-194, 2009
Sulfide removal by moderate oxygenation of anaerobic sludge environments
FP van der Zee, S Villaverde, PA García, F Fdz.-Polanco
Bioresource Technology 98 (3), 518-524, 2007
Temperature effect on nitrifying bacteria activity in biofilters: Activation and free ammonia inhibition
F Fdz-Polanco, S Villaverde, PA Garcia
Water Science and Technology 30 (11), 121-130, 1994
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Articles 1–20