mohammadzaman zamani
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Cited by
Suicide risk assessment with multi-level dual-context language and BERT
M Matero, A Idnani, Y Son, S Giorgi, H Vu, M Zamani, P Limbachiya, ...
Proceedings of the sixth workshop on computational linguistics and clinical …, 2019
Back to the past: Source identification in diffusion networks from partially observed cascades
M Farajtabar, MG Rodriguez, M Zamani, N Du, H Zha, L Song
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 232-240, 2015
Understanding weekly COVID-19 concerns through dynamic content-specific LDA topic modeling
M Zamani, HA Schwartz, J Eichstaedt, SC Guntuku, AV Ganesan, ...
Proceedings of the conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2020
Using twitter language to predict the real estate market
M Zamani, HA Schwartz
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2017
Residualized Factor Adaptation for Community Social Media Prediction Tasks
M Zamani, HA Schwartz, V Lynn, S Giorgi, N Balasubramanian
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2018
Depression and anxiety on Twitter during the COVID-19 stay-at-home period in 7 major US cities
D Levanti, RN Monastero, M Zamani, JC Eichstaedt, S Giorgi, ...
AJPM focus 2 (1), 100062, 2023
Predicting Human Trustfulness from Facebook Language
M Zamani, A Buffone, HA Schwartz
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical …, 2018
Cascading Randomized Weighted Majority: A New Online Ensemble Learning Algorithm
M Zamani, H Beigy, A Shaban
Intelligent Data Analysis 20 (4), 877-889, 2016
The where and when of COVID-19: Using ecological and Twitter-based assessments to examine impacts in a temporal and community context
G Pasquini, G Ferguson, I Bouklas, H Vu, M Zamani, R Zhaoyang, ...
Plos one 17 (2), e0264280, 2022
Optimizing read reversals for sequence compression
Z Sichen, L Zhao, Y Liang, M Zamani, R Patro, R Chowdhury, EM Arkin, ...
Algorithms in Bioinformatics: 15th International Workshop, WABI 2015 …, 2015
Contrastive lexical diffusion coefficient: Quantifying the stickiness of the ordinary
M Zamani, HA Schwartz
Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021, 565-574, 2021
Revert Propagation: Who are responsible for a contagion initialization in a Diffusion Network?
A Sepehr, H Beigy, M Zamani, S Behzad
2020 11th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology …, 2020
Quantifying generalized trust in individuals and counties using language
S Giorgi, JJ Jones, A Buffone, JC Eichstaedt, P Crutchley, DB Yaden, ...
Frontiers in Social Psychology 2, 1384262, 2024
Using Ecological and Twitter-Based Assessments to Examine Impacts in Temporal and Community Context
I Bouklas, G Ferguson, G Pasquini, H Vu, M Zamani, R Zhaoyang, S Scott, ...
Innovation in Aging 5 (Supplement_1), 14-15, 2021
Integrating Structured and Unstructured Extra-Linguistics into Human Natural Language Processing
M Zamani
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2020
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Articles 1–15