Daniel Schneider
Daniel Schneider
Harvard University, Kennedy School
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The Causal Effects of Father Absence
S McLanahan, L Tach, D Schneider
Annual review of sociology 39, 399-427, 2013
Financially Fragile Households: Evidence and Implications
A Lusardi, D Schneider, P Tufano
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 83-134, 2011
Consequences of routine work-schedule instability for worker health and well-being
D Schneider, K Harknett
American sociological review 84 (1), 82-114, 2019
Intimate Partner Violence in the Great Recession
D Schneider, K Harknett, S McLanahan
Demography 53 (2), 471-505, 2016
Income inequality and class divides in parental investments
D Schneider, OP Hastings, J LaBriola
American Sociological Review 83 (3), 475-507, 2018
The Great Recession, Fertility, and Uncertainty: Evidence from the United States
D Schneider
Journal of Marriage and Family 77 (5), 1144-1156, 2015
Wealth and the Marital Divide
D Schneider
American Journal of Sociology 117 (2), 627-667, 2011
What’s to like? Facebook as a tool for survey data collection
D Schneider, K Harknett
Sociological Methods & Research 51 (1), 108-140, 2022
The Economic Crisis and Medical Care Use: Comparative Evidence from Five High‐Income Countries
A Lusardi, D Schneider, P Tufano
Social Science Quarterly 96 (1), 202-213, 2015
Market Earnings and Household Work: New Tests of Gender Performance Theory
D Schneider
Journal of Marriage and Family 73 (4), 845-860, 2011
Gender Deviance and Household Work: The Role of Occupation
D Schneider
American Journal of Sociology 117 (4), 1029-1072, 2012
Socioeconomic Variation in the Effect of Economic Conditions on Marriage and Nonmarital Fertility in the United States: Evidence from the Great Recession
D Schneider, OP Hastings
Demography 52 (6), 1893-1915, 2015
Instability of Work and Care: How Work Schedules Shape Child-Care Arrangements for Parents Working in the Service Sector
D Carrillo, K Harknett, A Logan, S Luhr, D Schneider
Social Service Review 91 (3), 422-455, 2017
What explains racial/ethnic inequality in job quality in the service sector?
A Storer, D Schneider, K Harknett
American Sociological Review 85 (4), 537-572, 2020
What explains the decline in first marriage in the United States? Evidence from the panel study of income dynamics, 1969 to 2013
D Schneider, K Harknett, M Stimpson
Journal of Marriage and Family 80 (4), 791-811, 2018
Splitting Tax Refunds and Building Savings: An Empirical Test
S Beverly, D Schneider, P Tufano
Tax Policy and the Economy, Volume 20, 111-162, 2006
Eat, Drink, Man, Woman: Gender, Earnings Share, and Household Expenditure in South Africa
E Gummerson, D Schneider
Social Forces 91 (3), 813–836, 2013
Job quality and the educational gradient in entry into marriage and cohabitation
D Schneider, K Harknett, M Stimpson
Demography 56, 451-476, 2019
Using Financial Innovation to Support Savers: From Coercion to Excitement
P Tufano, D Schneider
Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit and Banking Among Low-Income …, 2009
Incarceration and Household Asset Ownership
K Turney, D Schneider
Demography 53 (6), 2075-2103, 2016
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Articles 1–20