Abhijeet Alase
Abhijeet Alase
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Sydney
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Generalization of Bloch's theorem for arbitrary boundary conditions: Theory
A Alase, E Cobanera, G Ortiz, L Viola
Physical Review B 96 (19), 195133, 2017
Exact solution of quadratic fermionic hamiltonians for arbitrary boundary conditions
A Alase, E Cobanera, G Ortiz, L Viola
Physical review letters 117 (7), 076804, 2016
Free-fermionic topological quantum sensors
S Sarkar, C Mukhopadhyay, A Alase, A Bayat
Physical Review Letters 129 (9), 090503, 2022
Generalization of Bloch's theorem for arbitrary boundary conditions: Interfaces and topological surface band structure
E Cobanera, A Alase, G Ortiz, L Viola
Physical Review B 98 (24), 245423, 2018
Squaring the fermion: The threefold way and the fate of zero modes
QR Xu, VP Flynn, A Alase, E Cobanera, L Viola, G Ortiz
Physical Review B 102 (12), 125127, 2020
Exact solution of corner-modified banded block-Toeplitz eigensystems
E Cobanera, A Alase, G Ortiz, L Viola
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (19), 195204, 2017
Boundary physics and bulk-boundary correspondence in topological phases of matter
A Alase
Dartmouth College, 2019
Tight bound for estimating expectation values from a system of linear equations
A Alase, RR Nerem, M Bagherimehrab, P Høyer, BC Sanders
Physical Review Research 4 (2), 023237, 2022
Observing a changing Hilbert-space inner product
S Karuvade, A Alase, BC Sanders
Physical Review Research 4 (1), 013016, 2022
The operational foundations of PT-symmetric and quasi-Hermitian quantum theory
A Alase, S Karuvade, CM Scandolo
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55 (24), 244003, 2022
Wiener–Hopf factorization approach to a bulk-boundary correspondence and stability conditions for topological zero-energy modes
A Alase, E Cobanera, G Ortiz, L Viola
Annals of Physics 458, 169457, 2023
Generating and detecting topological phases with higher Chern number
A Alase, DL Feder
Physical Review A 103 (5), 053305, 2021
Exponential suppression of Pauli errors in Majorana qubits via quasiparticle detection
A Alase, KD Stubbs, BC Sanders, DL Feder
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.08896, 2023
Resolvent-based quantum phase estimation: Towards estimation of parametrized eigenvalues
A Alase, S Karuvade
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.04837, 2024
Matrix Factorization Approach to Bulk-Boundary Correspondence
A Alase, A Alase
Boundary Physics and Bulk-Boundary Correspondence in Topological Phases of …, 2019
Erasure conversion in Majorana qubits via local quasiparticle detection
A Alase, KD Stubbs, BC Sanders, DL Feder
Physical Review Research 6 (4), 043294, 2024
Matrix permanent and determinant from a spin system
A Alase, O Doty, DL Feder
Physical Review A 108 (1), 012207, 2023
Reply to the Comment on ‘The operational foundations of PT-symmetric and quasi-Hermitian quantum theory’
A Alase, S Karuvade, CM Scandolo
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 56 (20), 208001, 2023
Measuring the Chern number with weakly interacting spin-orbit-coupled Bose gases in optical lattices
S Sarkar, T Cey, A Alase, D Feder
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, PP07. 002, 2023
Quantum computation using PT-symmetric gates
S Karuvade, A Alase, B Sanders
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, B47. 005, 2023
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Articles 1–20