Bo Kong
Bo Kong
Technion--Israel Institute of Technology, Guangdong Technion--Israel Institute of Technology
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Simulation of photosynthetically active radiation distribution in algal photobioreactors using a multidimensional spectral radiation model
B Kong, RD Vigil
Bioresource technology 158, 141-148, 2014
Comprehensive computational model for combining fluid hydrodynamics, light transport and biomass growth in a Taylor vortex algal photobioreactor: Eulerian approach
X Gao, B Kong, RD Vigil
Algal Research 24, 1-8, 2017
Experimental measurement of oxygen mass transfer and bubble size distribution in an air–water multiphase Taylor–Couette vortex bioreactor
M Ramezani, B Kong, X Gao, MG Olsen, RD Vigil
Chemical Engineering Journal 279, 286-296, 2015
Verification of Eulerian–Eulerian and Eulerian–Lagrangian simulations for turbulent fluid–particle flows
RG Patel, O Desjardins, B Kong, J Capecelatro, RO Fox
AIChE Journal 63 (12), 5396-5412, 2017
Multiphysics simulation of algal growth in an airlift photobioreactor: effects of fluid mixing and shear stress
X Gao, B Kong, RD Vigil
Bioresource technology 251, 75-83, 2018
Characteristic time scales of mixing, mass transfer and biomass growth in a Taylor vortex algal photobioreactor
X Gao, B Kong, RD Vigil
Bioresource technology 198, 283-291, 2015
Simulation of algal photobioreactors: recent developments and challenges
X Gao, B Kong, RD Vigil
Biotechnology letters 40, 1311-1327, 2018
Euler–euler anisotropic gaussian mesoscale simulation of homogeneous cluster‐induced gas–particle turbulence
B Kong, RO Fox, H Feng, J Capecelatro, R Patel, O Desjardins, RO Fox
AIChE Journal 63 (7), 2630-2643, 2017
Enhanced algal growth rate in a Taylor vortex reactor
B Kong, JV Shanks, RD Vigil
Biotechnology and bioengineering 110 (8), 2140-2149, 2013
CFD investigation of bubble effects on Taylor–Couette flow patterns in the weakly turbulent vortex regime
X Gao, B Kong, RD Vigil
Chemical Engineering Journal 270, 508-518, 2015
A solution algorithm for fluid–particle flows across all flow regimes
B Kong, RO Fox
Journal of Computational Physics 344, 575-594, 2017
A quadrature-based moment method for polydisperse bubbly flows
JC Heylmun, B Kong, A Passalacqua, RO Fox
Computer Physics Communications 244, 187-204, 2019
An adaptive model for gas–liquid mass transfer in a Taylor vortex reactor
X Gao, B Kong, M Ramezani, MG Olsen, RD Vigil
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 91, 433-445, 2015
An extended quadrature‐based mass‐velocity moment model for polydisperse bubbly flows
C Yuan, B Kong, A Passalacqua, RO Fox
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 92 (12), 2053-2066, 2014
Implementation of pseudo-turbulence closures in an Eulerian–Eulerian two-fluid model for non-isothermal gas–solid flow
C Peng, B Kong, J Zhou, B Sun, A Passalacqua, S Subramaniam, RO Fox
Chemical Engineering Science 207, 663-671, 2019
Direct comparison of Eulerian–Eulerian and Eulerian–Lagrangian simulations for particle‐laden vertical channel flow
MC Baker, B Kong, J Capecelatro, O Desjardins, RO Fox
AIChE Journal, 2020
Light‐limited continuous culture of Chlorella vulgaris in a Taylor vortex reactor
B Kong, RD Vigil
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 32 (4), 884-890, 2013
Effect of inlet conditions on the accuracy of large eddy simulations of a turbulent rectangular wake
KM Nilsen, B Kong, RO Fox, JC Hill, MG Olsen
Chemical Engineering Journal 250, 175-189, 2014
Reynolds-stress modeling of cluster-induced turbulence in particle-laden vertical channel flow
MC Baker, RO Fox, B Kong, J Capecelatro, O Desjardins
Physical Review Fluids 5 (7), 074304, 2020
A moment-based kinetic theory model for polydisperse gas–particle flows
B Kong, RO Fox
Powder Technology 365, 92-105, 2020
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Articles 1–20