Pablo Lotito
Pablo Lotito
Investigador CONICET, Profesor FCEx-UNCPBA
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Quadratic order conditions for bang-singular extremals
MS Aronna, JF Bonnans, AV Dmitruk, P Lotito
arXiv preprint arXiv:1107.0161, 2011
A class of inexact variable metric proximal point algorithms
LA Parente, PA Lotito, MV Solodov
SIAM Journal on Optimization 19 (1), 240-260, 2008
Trust region globalization strategy for the nonconvex unconstrained multiobjective optimization problem
GA Carrizo, PA Lotito, MC Maciel
Mathematical Programming 159, 339-369, 2016
A min-plus derivation of the fundamental car-traffic law
PA Lotito, EM Mancinelli, JP Quadrat
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 50 (5), 699-705, 2005
A class of variable metric decomposition methods for monotone variational inclusions
PA Lotito, LA Parente, M Solodov
Heldermann Verlag, 2008
Issues in the implementation of the DSD algorithm for the traffic assignment problem
PA Lotito
European journal of operational research 175 (3), 1577-1587, 2006
Hybrid method for power system state estimation
M Risso, AJ Rubiales, PA Lotito
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 9 (7), 636-643, 2015
Detecting pedestrians on a movement feature space
P Negri, N Goussies, P Lotito
Pattern recognition 47 (1), 56-71, 2014
Stabilization of the generalized Benders decomposition applied to short-term hydrothermal coordination problem
AJ Rubiales, PA Lotito, LA Parente
IEEE Latin America Transactions 11 (5), 1212-1224, 2013
Public transport priority for multimodal urban traffic control
N Bhouri, FJ Mayorano, PA Lotito, HH Salem, JP Lebacque
Cybernetics and Information Technologies 15 (5), 17-36, 2015
A heuristic for the OD matrix adjustment problem in a congested transport network
J Walpen, EM Mancinelli, PA Lotito
European Journal of Operational Research 242 (3), 807-819, 2015
An intermodal traffic control strategy for private vehicle and public transport
N Bhouri, P Lotito
10th Euro Working Group on Transportation, Poznan, Poland, 423-428, 2005
Traffic assignment & Gibbs-Maslov semirings
P Lotito, JP Quadrat, E Mancinelli
Contemporary Mathematics 377, 209-220, 2005
A constrained filtering algorithm for freeway traffic state estimation
MA Risso, N Bhouri, AJ Rubiales, PA Lotito
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 16 (2), 316-336, 2020
Comments on “A closed-form solution to tensor voting: theory and applications”
E Maggiori, P Lotito, HL Manterola, M del Fresno
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 36 (12), 2567 …, 2014
Ball screw drive systems: evaluation of axial and torsional deformations
DA Vicente, RL Hecker, GM Flores
Mecánica Computacional 28 (38), 3265-3277, 2009
Fault Diagnosis on Steel Structures Using Arti cial Neural Networks
A Zapico, L Molisani
Mecánica Computacional 28 (3), 181-188, 2009
Fluctuation strength of mixed fluctuating sound sources
E Accolti, F Miyara
Mecánica Computacional 28 (2), 9-22, 2009
Mesh optimization with volume preservation using GPU
JP D'amato, P Lotito
Latin American applied research 41 (3), 291-297, 2011
Optimizacion Aplicada A La Coordinación Hidrotermica Del Mercado Electrico Argentino.
AJ Rubiales, FJ Mayorano, PA Lotito
Mecánica Computacional, 1906-1920, 2007
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Articles 1–20