Stevan Dubljevic
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Cited by
Predictive control of parabolic PDEs with boundary control actuation
S Dubljevic, PD Christofides
Chemical Engineering Science 61 (18), 6239-6248, 2006
Predictive control of parabolic PDEs with state and control constraints
S Dubljevic, NH El‐Farra, P Mhaskar, PD Christofides
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2006
Predictive control of transport-reaction processes
S Dubljevic, P Mhaskar, NH El-Farra, PD Christofides
Computers & chemical engineering 29 (11-12), 2335-2345, 2005
Analysis on accident-causing factors of urban buried gas pipeline network by combining DEMATEL, ISM and BN methods
F Li, W Wang, S Dubljevic, F Khan, J Xu, J Yi
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 61, 49-57, 2019
Boundary optimal (LQ) control of coupled hyperbolic PDEs and ODEs
AA Moghadam, I Aksikas, S Dubljevic, JF Forbes
Automatica 49 (2), 526-533, 2013
A new Lyapunov design approach for nonlinear systems based on Zubov's method
S Dubljević, N Kazantzis
Automatica 38 (11), 1999-2007, 2002
Lipid production optimization and optimal control of heterotrophic microalgae fed-batch bioreactor
J Abdollahi, S Dubljevic
Chemical engineering science 84, 619-627, 2012
Optimal boundary control of a diffusion–convection-reaction PDE model with time-dependent spatial domain: Czochralski crystal growth process
J Ng, S Dubljevic
Chemical engineering science 67 (1), 111-119, 2012
Distributed nonlinear control of diffusion–reaction processes
S Dubljevic, PD Christofides, IG Kevrekidis
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2004
Output and error feedback regulator designs for linear infinite-dimensional systems
X Xu, S Dubljevic
Automatica 83, 170-178, 2017
Output regulation for a class of linear boundary controlled first-order hyperbolic PIDE systems
X Xu, S Dubljevic
Automatica 85, 43-52, 2017
PDE backstepping control of one-dimensional heat equation with time-varying domain
M Izadi, J Abdollahi, SS Dubljevic
Automatica 54, 41-48, 2015
Linear model predictive control for transport‐reaction processes
Q Xu, S Dubljevic
AIChE Journal 63 (7), 2644-2659, 2017
Order‐reduction of parabolic PDEs with time‐varying domain using empirical eigenfunctions
M Izadi, S Dubljevic
AIChE Journal 59 (11), 4142-4150, 2013
Long range pipeline leak detection and localization using discrete observer and support vector machine
J Xie, X Xu, S Dubljevic
AIChE Journal 65 (7), e16532, 2019
Output regulation problem for a class of regular hyperbolic systems
X Xu, S Dubljevic
International Journal of Control 89 (1), 113-127, 2016
Predictive output feedback control of parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs)
S Dubljevic, PD Christofides
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 45 (25), 8421-8429, 2006
Backstepping output-feedback control of moving boundary parabolic PDEs
M Izadi, S Dubljevic
European Journal of Control 21, 27-35, 2015
A CAST-based causal analysis of the catastrophic underground pipeline gas explosion in Taiwan
F Li, W Wang, J Xu, S Dubljevic, F Khan, J Yi
Engineering failure analysis 108, 104343, 2020
Studies on feedback control of cardiac alternans
S Dubljevic, SF Lin, PD Christofides
Computers & chemical engineering 32 (9), 2086-2098, 2008
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Articles 1–20