Hui Cui
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Cited by
Server-aided revocable attribute-based encryption
H Cui, RH Deng, Y Li, B Qin
Computer Security–ESORICS 2016: 21st European Symposium on Research in …, 2016
Attribute-based storage supporting secure deduplication of encrypted data in cloud
H Cui, RH Deng, Y Li, G Wu
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 5 (3), 330-342, 2017
Efficient and expressive keyword search over encrypted data in cloud
H Cui, Z Wan, RH Deng, G Wang, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 15 (3), 409-422, 2016
An efficient and expressive ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption scheme with partially hidden access structures, revisited
H Cui, RH Deng, J Lai, X Yi, S Nepal
Computer Networks 133, 157-165, 2018
An efficient and expressive ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption scheme with partially hidden access structures
H Cui, RH Deng, G Wu, J Lai
Provable Security: 10th International Conference, ProvSec 2016, Nanjing …, 2016
A lightweight authentication scheme for vehicular ad hoc networks based on MSR
X Yang, X Yi, I Khalil, Y Zeng, X Huang, S Nepal, X Yang, H Cui
Vehicular communications 15, 16-27, 2019
Server-aided attribute-based signature with revocation for resource-constrained industrial-internet-of-things devices
H Cui, RH Deng, JK Liu, X Yi, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (8), 3724-3732, 2018
Pay as you decrypt: Decryption outsourcing for functional encryption using blockchain
H Cui, Z Wan, X Wei, S Nepal, X Yi
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15, 3227-3238, 2020
Achieving scalable access control over encrypted data for edge computing networks
H Cui, X Yi, S Nepal
IEEE Access 6, 30049-30059, 2018
An attribute-based framework for secure communications in vehicular ad hoc networks
H Cui, RH Deng, G Wang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 27 (2), 721-733, 2019
A review of homomorphic encryption for privacy-preserving biometrics
W Yang, S Wang, H Cui, Z Tang, Y Li
Sensors 23 (7), 3566, 2023
Multi-keyword searchable and verifiable attribute-based encryption over cloud data
Y Zhang, T Zhu, R Guo, S Xu, H Cui, J Cao
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 11 (1), 971-983, 2021
Improved security model for public-key authenticated encryption with keyword search
B Qin, H Cui, X Zheng, D Zheng
Provable and Practical Security: 15th International Conference, ProvSec 2021 …, 2021
Revocable and decentralized attribute-based encryption
H Cui, RH Deng
The Computer Journal 59 (8), 1220-1235, 2016
HIBEChain: A hierarchical identity-based blockchain system for large-scale IoT
Z Wan, W Liu, H Cui
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 20 (2), 1286-1301, 2022
Attribute-based cloud storage with secure provenance over encrypted data
H Cui, RH Deng, Y Li
Future Generation Computer Systems 79, 461-472, 2018
(Dual) server-aided revocable attribute-based encryption with decryption key exposure resistance
B Qin, Q Zhao, D Zheng, H Cui
Information Sciences 490, 74-92, 2019
Key regeneration-free ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption and its application
H Cui, RH Deng, B Qin, J Weng
Information Sciences 517, 217-229, 2020
Attribute-based encryption with expressive and authorized keyword search
H Cui, RH Deng, JK Liu, Y Li
Information Security and Privacy: 22nd Australasian Conference, ACISP 2017 …, 2017
Server-aided revocable attribute-based encryption resilient to decryption key exposure
B Qin, Q Zhao, D Zheng, H Cui
Cryptology and Network Security: 16th International Conference, CANS 2017 …, 2018
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Articles 1–20