Raluca A. Roman
Cited by
Cited by
Internationalization and Bank Risk
AN Berger, S El Ghoul, O Guedhami, RA Roman
Management Science 63 (7), 2283 - 2301, 2017
Did TARP Banks Get Competitive Advantages?
AN Berger, RA Roman
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 50 (6), 1199-1236, 2015
Lending Implications of US Bank Stress Tests: Costs or Benefits?
VV Acharya, AN Berger, RA Roman
Journal of Financial Intermediation 34, 58-90, 2018
Did TARP Reduce or Increase Systemic Risk? The Effects of Government Aid on Financial System Stability
AN Berger, RA Roman, J Sedunov
Journal of Financial Intermediation 43, 100810, 2020
Does Efficiency Help Banks Survive and Thrive during Financial Crises?
AG Assaf, AN Berger, RA Roman, MG Tsionas
Journal of Banking & Finance 106, 445-470, 2019
Did Saving Wall Street Really Save Main Street? The Real Effects of TARP on Local Economic Conditions
AN Berger, RA Roman
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 52 (5), 1827-1867, 2017
The Effects of Cultural Values on Bank Failures around the World
AN Berger, X Li, C Morris, RA Roman
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 56(3), 945-993, 2021
Do Business Borrowers Benefit from Bank Bailouts?–The Effects of TARP on Loan Contract Terms
AN Berger, T Makaew, RA Roman
Financial Management, 2017
Is a friend in need a friend indeed? how relationship borrowers fare during the covid-19 crisis
AN Berger, CHS Bouwman, L Norden, RA Roman, GF Udell, T Wang
How Relationship Borrowers Fare during the COVID-19 Crisis (May 27, 2024), 2024
TARP and other bank bailouts and bail-ins around the world: Connecting Wall Street, Main Street, and the financial system
AN Berger, RA Roman
Academic Press, 2020
Piercing through opacity: Relationships and credit card lending to consumers and small businesses during normal times and the COVID-19 crisis
AN Berger, CHS Bouwman, L Norden, RA Roman, GF Udell, T Wang
Journal of Political Economy, 2023
Bank Bailouts, Bail-Ins, or No Regulatory Intervention? A Dynamic Model and Empirical Tests of Optimal Regulation
AN Berger, CP Himmelberg, RA Roman, S Tsyplakov
Financial Management, 2022
Supervisory Enforcement Actions against Banks and Systemic Risk
AN Berger, J Cai, RA Roman, J Sedunov
Journal of Banking and Finance, 106222, 2021
Winners and Losers from Supervisory Enforcement Actions against Banks
RA Roman
Journal of Corporate Finance 60, 101516, 2020
Is a friend in need a friend indeed
AN Berger, CHS Bouwman, L Norden, RA Roman, GF Udell, T Wang
How relationship borrowers fare during the COVID-19 crisis, 2021
Finance and the Real Economy: Evidence from the US
AN Berger, RA Roman
Handbook of Finance and Development, 2018
Geographic deregulation and bank capital structure
AN Berger, Ö Öztekin, RA Roman
Journal of Banking & Finance 149, 106761, 2023
How Does Competition affect Bank Capital Structure? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
AN Berger, Ö Öztekin, RA Roman
Evidence From a Natural Experiment (February 19, 2019), 2019
Bank stress test results and their impact on consumer credit markets
S Agarwal, X An, L Cordell, RA Roman
FRB of Philadelphia Working Paper, 2020
Enforcement Actions and Bank Loan Contracting
RA Roman
Economic Review (Kansas City) 101 (4), 69-101, 2016
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Articles 1–20