Roberto Tempo
Cited by
Cited by
Randomized algorithms for analysis and control of uncertain systems: with applications
R Tempo, G Calafiore, F Dabbene
Springer, 2013
A tutorial on modeling and analysis of dynamic social networks. Part I
AV Proskurnikov, R Tempo
Annual Reviews in Control 43, 65-79, 2017
Novel multidimensional models of opinion dynamics in social networks
SE Parsegov, AV Proskurnikov, R Tempo, NE Friedkin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (5), 2270-2285, 2016
Network science on belief system dynamics under logic constraints
NE Friedkin, AV Proskurnikov, R Tempo, SE Parsegov
Science 354 (6310), 321-326, 2016
Probabilistic robustness analysis: Explicit bounds for the minimum number of samples
R Tempo, EW Bai, F Dabbene
Proceedings of 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 3, 3424-3428, 1996
A tutorial on modeling and analysis of dynamic social networks. Part II
AV Proskurnikov, R Tempo
Annual Reviews in Control 45, 166-190, 2018
Optimal algorithms theory for robust estimation and prediction
M Milanese, R Tempo
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 30 (8), 730-738, 1985
Robust control of uncertain systems: Classical results and recent developments
IR Petersen, R Tempo
Automatica 50 (5), 1315-1335, 2014
Probabilistic robust design with linear quadratic regulators
BT Polyak, R Tempo
Systems & Control Letters 43 (5), 343-353, 2001
Common Lyapunov functions and gradient algorithms
D Liberzon, R Tempo
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 49 (6), 990-994, 2004
Extreme point results for robust stabilization of interval plants with first-order compensators
BR Barmish, CV Hollot, FJ Kraus, R Tempo
Constraint-tightening and stability in stochastic model predictive control
M Lorenzen, F Dabbene, R Tempo, F Allgöwer
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (7), 3165-3177, 2016
Randomized strategies for probabilistic solutions of uncertain feasibility and optimization problems
T Alamo, R Tempo, EF Camacho
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 54 (11), 2545-2559, 2009
Research on probabilistic methods for control system design
GC Calafiore, F Dabbene, R Tempo
Automatica 47 (7), 1279-1293, 2011
Randomized algorithms for probabilistic robustness with real and complex structured uncertainty
GC Calafiore, F Dabbene, R Tempo
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 45 (12), 2218-2235, 2000
Randomized methods for design of uncertain systems: Sample complexity and sequential algorithms
T Alamo, R Tempo, A Luque, DR Ramirez
Automatica 52, 160-172, 2015
Resilient randomized quantized consensus
SM Dibaji, H Ishii, R Tempo
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (8), 2508-2522, 2017
Probabilistic design of LPV control systems
Y Fujisaki, F Dabbene, R Tempo
Automatica 39 (8), 1323-1337, 2003
Distributed randomized algorithms for the PageRank computation
H Ishii, R Tempo
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55 (9), 1987-2002, 2010
Ergodic randomized algorithms and dynamics over networks
C Ravazzi, P Frasca, R Tempo, H Ishii
IEEE transactions on control of network systems 2 (1), 78-87, 2014
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Articles 1–20