João Vitor Meza Bravo
João Vitor Meza Bravo
Other namesJoão Vitor M. Bravo
Professor at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Inst. of Geography, Geosc., and Collective Health
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Cited by
Designing across map use contexts: A research agenda
AL Griffin, T White, C Fish, B Tomio, H Huang, CR Sluter, JVM Bravo, ...
International Journal of Cartography 3 (sup1), 90-114, 2017
An investigation into the completeness of, and the updates to, OpenStreetMap data in a heterogeneous area in Brazil
SP Camboim, JVM Bravo, CR Sluter
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 4 (3), 1366-1388, 2015
O problema da qualidade de dados espaciais na era das informações geográficas voluntárias
JVM Bravo, CR Sluter
Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas 21 (1), 56-73, 2015
Ecotoxicological assessment of water and sediment river samples to evaluate the environmental risks of anthropogenic contamination
ES Caixeta, JVM Bravo, BB Pereira
Chemosphere 306, 135595, 2022
O Mapeamento Colaborativo: seu surgimento, suas características e o funcionamento das plataformas
JVM Bravo, CR Sluter
Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 11 (05), 1902-1916, 2018
Semiótica e a teoria da Visualização Cartográfica: considerações na análise do projeto cartográfico
EP Garbin, FLP Santil, JVM Bravo
Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas 18, 624-642, 2012
Collaborative emotional mapping as a tool for urban mobility planning
GS Camara, SP Camboim, JVM Bravo
Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas 27 (spe), e2021011, 2021
Using native fish in eco-genotoxic assessment of heavy metal contamination pollution arising from nearby large Brazilian rivers
C de Mendonça Francisco, LA Pavanin, S Morelli, JVM Bravo, BB Pereira
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 86 (2-3), 74-85, 2023
A confiabilidade semântica das Informações Geográficas Voluntárias como função da organização mental do conhecimento espacial
JVM Bravo
Effects of environmental protection policies on fragile areas of a watershed occupied by agriculture in the Brazilian Cerrado
JEF Cunha, JVM Bravo
Journal of Environmental Management 319, 115695, 2022
Mental categorisation and classification process of information in maps
FL de Paula Santil, CR Sluter, JVM Bravo
The Cartographic Journal 48 (2), 146-152, 2011
The compatibility of metadata available at VGI systems with the metadata profile employed at the Brazilian National spatial data infrastructure (INDE-BR)
JVM Bravo, SP Camboim, ALAD Mendonça, CR Sluter
Boletim de Ciencias Geodésicas 21, 465-483, 2015
Crowdsourcing map-using and map-generating tasks into OpenStreetMap
JVM Bravo, CR Sluter
The Professional Geographer 75 (2), 248-262, 2023
A importância das áreas verdes nos serviços públicos de saúde na cidade de Mandaguari-PR
N Perehouskei, B De Angelis, J Bravo
Geoingá: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia (PGE/UEM),(3) 1 …, 2011
Defining the ideal phenological stage for estimating corn yield using multispectral images
CAM Abreu Júnior, GD Martins, LCM Xavier, JVM Bravo, DJ Marques, ...
Agronomy 13 (9), 2390, 2023
Using Jupyter Notebooks for viewing and analysing geospatial data: Two examples for emotional maps and education data
GS Camara, SP Camboim, JVM Bravo
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2021
A User Study of a Prototype of a Spatial Augmented Reality System for Education and Interaction with Geographic Data
GHA Pereira, JVM Bravo, JAS Centeno
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 2 (3), 14, 2018
Avaliação da variação dos índices morfométricos de informações extraídas de cartas topográficas e implicações para a leitura do risco a enchentes
JVM Bravo, FL de Paula Santil
Revista Brasileira de Cartografia, 939-949, 2013
Understanding Mental Categorization on a VGI System to Improve Data Management
JVM Bravo, CR Sluter, FLP Santil, LS Delazari, MC de Castro
26th International Cartographic Conference, 2013
Phytoremediation, bioaccessibility and ecotoxicological risk assessment of arsenic in a gold mining area
ECM de Oliveira, LP Pires, VSV Santos, ES Caixeta, JVM Bravo, ...
Chemosphere 319, 138030, 2023
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Articles 1–20