Flore Barcellini
Flore Barcellini
Cnam- CRTD & CNRS-Telecom Paris Tech
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Le développement de l’activité collective
S Caroly, F Barcellini
Ergonomie constructive, 33-46, 2013
Les projets de conception comme opportunité de développements des activités
F Barcellini, L Van Belleghem, F Daniellou
Ergonomie constructive, pp. 191-206, 2013
A methodological framework for socio-cognitive analyses of collaborative design of open source software
W Sack, F Détienne, N Ducheneaut, JM Burkhardt, D Mahendran, ...
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 15, 229-250, 2006
User and developer mediation in an Open Source Software community: Boundary spanning through cross participation in online discussions
F Barcellini, F Détienne, JM Burkhardt
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 66 (7), 558-570, 2008
A socio-cognitive analysis of online design discussions in an Open Source Software community
F Barcellini, F Détienne, JM Burkhardt, W Sack
Interacting with computers 20 (1), 141-165, 2008
Designers' and users' roles in participatory design: What is actually co-designed by participants?
F Barcellini, L Prost, M Cerf
Applied ergonomics 50, 31-40, 2015
Questioning the work of farmers, advisors, teachers and researchers in agro-ecological transition. A review
X Coquil, M Cerf, C Auricoste, A Joannon, F Barcellini, P Cayre, ...
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 38, 1-12, 2018
Design projects as opportunities for the development of activities
F Barcellini, L Van Belleghem, F Daniellou
Constructive ergonomics 2014, 150-163, 2014
Développer des interventions capacitantes en conduite du changement. Comprendre le travail collectif de conception, agir sur la conception collective du travail.
F Barcellini
Université de Bordeaux, 2015
A study of online discussions in an Open-Source Software Community
F Barcellini, F Détienne, JM Burkhardt, W Sack
Communities and Technologies 2005, 301-320, 2005
A situated approach of roles and participation in Open Source Software Communities
F Barcellini, F Détienne, JM Burkhardt
Human–Computer Interaction 29 (3), 205-255, 2014
Participation in online interaction spaces: Design-use mediation in an Open Source Software community
F Barcellini, F Détienne, JM Burkhardt
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 39 (3), 533-540, 2009
Thematic coherence and quotation practices in OSS design-oriented online discussions
F Barcellini, F Détienne, JM Burkhardt, W Sack
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group …, 2005
The descent of Pluto: Interactive dynamics, specialisation and reciprocity of roles in a Wikipedia debate
F Détienne, M Baker, D Fréard, F Barcellini, A Denis, M Quignard
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 86, 11-31, 2016
The role of argumentation in online epistemic communities: the anatomy of a conflict in Wikipedia
D Fréard, A Denis, F Détienne, M Baker, M Quignard, F Barcellini
Proceedings of the 28th Annual European conference on cognitive ergonomics …, 2010
Conception de l’artefact, conception du collectif: dynamique d’un processus de conception ouvert et continu dans une communauté de développement de logiciels libres. Résumé de …
F Barcellini
Activités 6 (6-1), 2009
Intervention Ergonomique Capacitante: bilan des connaissances actuelles et perspectives de développement
F Barcellini
Activités 14 (14-2), 2017
Online epistemic communities: theoretical and methodological directions for understanding knowledge co-elaboration in new digital spaces
F Détienne, F Barcellini, M Baker, JM Burkhardt, D Fréard
Work 41 (Supplement 1), 3511-3518, 2012
Supporting the design activity of farmers in transition to agroecology: Towards an understanding
M Chizallet, L Prost, F Barcellini
Le travail humain, 33-59, 2020
Supporting farmers’ management of change towards agroecological practices by focusing on their work: a contribution of ergonomics
M Chizallet, F Barcellini, L Prost
Cahiers Agricultures 27 (3), 1-10, 2018
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Articles 1–20