Adel El-Atawy
Adel El-Atawy
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Network configuration in a box: Towards end-to-end verification of network reachability and security
E Al-Shaer, W Marrero, A El-Atawy, K Elbadawi
2009 17th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, 123-132, 2009
Adaptive Statistical Optimization Techniques for Firewall Packet Filtering.
HH Hamed, A El-Atawy, E Al-Shaer
INFOCOM 6, 1-12, 2006
Policy segmentation for intelligent firewall testing
A El-Atawy, K Ibrahim, H Hamed, E Al-Shaer
1st IEEE ICNP Workshop on Secure Network Protocols, 2005.(NPSec)., 67-72, 2005
On dynamic optimization of packet matching in high-speed firewalls
H Hamed, A El-Atawy, E Al-Shaer
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24 (10), 1817-1830, 2006
Using online traffic statistical matching for optimizing packet filtering performance
A El-Atawy, T Samak, E Al-Shaer, H Li
IEEE INFOCOM 2007-26th IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2007
Building covert channels over the packet reordering phenomenon
A El-Atawy, E Al-Shaer
IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 2186-2194, 2009
Adaptive early packet filtering for defending firewalls against DoS attacks
A El-Atawy, E Al-Shaer, T Tran, R Boutaba
IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 2437-2445, 2009
Ranking-based optimal resource allocation in peer-to-peer networks
Y Yan, A El-Atawy, E Al-Shaer
IEEE INFOCOM 2007-26th IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2007
An automated framework for validating firewall policy enforcement
A El-Atawy, T Samak, Z Wali, E Al-Shaer, F Lin, C Pham, S Li
Eighth IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and …, 2007
Automated pseudo-live testing of firewall configuration enforcement
E Al-Shaer, A El-Atawy, T Samak
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 27 (3), 302-314, 2009
A novel class of robust covert channels using out-of-order packets
A El-Atawy, Q Duan, E Al-Shaer
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 14 (2), 116-129, 2015
Firecracker: A framework for inferring firewall policies using smart probing
T Samak, A El-Atawy, E Al-Shaer
2007 IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, 294-303, 2007
Adaptive early packet filtering for defending firewalls against DoS Attack
E Al-Shear, A El-Atawy, T Tran
Proceeding of IEEE INFOCOM, 1-9, 2009
A collaborative approach for proactive detection of distributed denial of service attacks
J François, A El-Atawy, E Al Shaer, R Boutaba
IEEE Workshop on Monitoring, Attack Detection and Mitigation-MonAM'2007, 2007
Firewall policy reconstruction by active probing: An attacker's view
T Samak, A El-Atawy, E Al-Shaer, H Li
2006 2nd IEEE Workshop on Secure Network Protocols, 20-25, 2006
Adaptive statistical optimization techniques for firewall packet filtering
A El-Atawy, H Hamed, E Al-Shaer
DePaul Univ., Chicago, IL, Tech. Rep. CTI-TR-05–019, 2005
Qos policy verification for diffserv networks
T Samak, A El-Atawy, E Al-Shaer
2011 IEEE Nineteenth IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service, 1-3, 2011
End-to-end verification of QoS policies
A El-Atawy, T Samak
2012 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, 426-434, 2012
Towards network security policy generation for configuration analysis and testing
T Samak, A El-Atawy, E Al-Shaer
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Assurable and usable security …, 2009
A novel visualization approach for efficient network-wide traffic monitoring
T Samak, A El-Atawy, E Al-Shaer, M Ismail
2007 Workshop on End-to-End Monitoring Techniques and Services, 1-7, 2007
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Articles 1–20