Christian Brosseau
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Cited by
A review and analysis of microwave absorption in polymer composites filled with carbonaceous particles
F Qin, C Brosseau
Journal of applied physics 111 (6), 2012
Fundamentals of polarized light: a statistical optics approach
C Brosseau
(No Title), 1998
Depolarization of multiply scattered waves by spherical diffusers: Influence of the size parameter
D Bicout, C Brosseau, AS Martinez, JM Schmitt
Physical Review E 49 (2), 1767, 1994
Optical image compression and encryption methods
A Alfalou, C Brosseau
Advances in Optics and Photonics 1 (3), 589-636, 2009
Roadmap on optical security
B Javidi, A Carnicer, M Yamaguchi, T Nomura, E Pérez-Cabré, MS Millán, ...
Journal of Optics 18 (8), 083001, 2016
Effective dielectric constant of random composite materials
B Sareni, L Krähenbühl, A Beroual, C Brosseau
Journal of Applied Physics 81 (5), 2375-2383, 1997
Microwave characterization of filled polymers
C Brosseau, P Queffelec, P Talbot
Journal of Applied Physics 89 (8), 4532-4540, 2001
Modelling and simulation of dielectric heterostructures: a physical survey from an historical perspective
C Brosseau
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 39 (7), 1277, 2006
Effective dielectric constant of periodic composite materials
B Sareni, L Krähenbühl, A Beroual, C Brosseau
Journal of Applied Physics 80 (3), 1688-1696, 1996
Entropy production in multiple scattering of light by a spatially random medium
C Brosseau, D Bicout
Physical Review E 50 (6), 4997, 1994
Computational electromagnetics and the rational design of new dielectric heterostructures
C Brosseau, A Beroual
Progress in Materials Science 48 (5), 373-456, 2003
Dielectric and microstructure properties of polymer carbon black composites
C Brosseau, F Boulic, P Queffelec, C Bourbigot, Y Le Mest, J Loaec, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 81 (2), 882-891, 1997
Exploring underwater target detection by imaging polarimetry and correlation techniques
M Dubreuil, P Delrot, I Leonard, A Alfalou, C Brosseau, A Dogariu
Applied optics 52 (5), 997-1005, 2013
Finite-element method for calculation of the effective permittivity of random inhomogeneous media
V Myroshnychenko, C Brosseau
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (1 …, 2005
Finite-element modeling method for the prediction of the complex effective permittivity of two-phase random statistically isotropic heterostructures
V Myroshnychenko, C Brosseau
Journal of applied physics 97 (4), 2005
Dual encryption scheme of images using polarized light
A Alfalou, C Brosseau
Optics letters 35 (13), 2185-2187, 2010
Enhancing underwater optical imaging by using a low-pass polarization filter
KO Amer, M Elbouz, A Alfalou, C Brosseau, J Hajjami
Optics express 27 (2), 621-643, 2019
Generalized effective medium theory and dielectric relaxation in particle-filled polymeric resins
C Brosseau
Journal of applied physics 91 (5), 3197-3204, 2002
Effective magnetic permeability of Ni and Co micro-and nanoparticles embedded in a ZnO matrix
C Brosseau, P Talbot
Journal of Applied Physics 97 (10), 2005
Electromagnetic and magnetic properties of multicomponent metal oxides heterostructures: Nanometer versus micrometer-sized particles
C Brosseau, JB Youssef, P Talbot, AM Konn
Journal of Applied Physics 93 (11), 9243-9256, 2003
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