Emily T. Yeh
Emily T. Yeh
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Taming Tibet: Landscape transformation and the gift of Chinese development
ET Yeh
Cornell University Press, 2019
Validation of urban boundaries derived from global night-time satellite imagery
M Henderson, ET Yeh, P Gong, C Elvidge, K Baugh
International Journal of Remote Sensing 24 (3), 595-609, 2003
Greening western China: A critical view
ET Yeh
Geoforum 40 (5), 884-894, 2009
Green governmentality and pastoralism in western China:'converting pastures to grasslands'
ET Yeh
Nomadic peoples 9 (1), 9-30, 2005
Tibetan range wars: spatial politics and authority on the grasslands of Amdo
ET Yeh
Development and change 34 (3), 499-523, 2003
Unexpected climate impacts on the Tibetan Plateau: Local and scientific knowledge in findings of delayed summer
JA Klein, KA Hopping, ET Yeh, Y Nyima, RB Boone, KA Galvin
Global Environmental Change 28, 141-152, 2014
State power and the logic of reform in China's electricity sector
ET Yeh, JI Lewis
Pacific Affairs, 437-465, 2004
Going west and going out: Discourses, migrants, and models in Chinese development
ET Yeh, E Wharton
The Geoeconomics and Geopolitics of Chinese Development and Investment in …, 2018
Forest claims, conflicts and commodification: The political ecology of Tibetan mushroom-harvesting villages in Yunnan Province, China
ET Yeh
The China Quarterly 161, 264-278, 2000
‘How can experience of local residents be “knowledge”?’Challenges in interdisciplinary climate change research
ET Yeh
Area 48 (1), 34-40, 2016
Exile meets homeland: politics, performance, and authenticity in the Tibetan diaspora
ET Yeh
Environment and Planning D: Society and space 25 (4), 648-667, 2007
An integrated community and ecosystem-based approach to disaster risk reduction in mountain systems
JA Klein, CM Tucker, CE Steger, A Nolin, R Reid, KA Hopping, ET Yeh, ...
Environmental science & policy 94, 143-152, 2019
Tibetan indigeneity: Translations, resemblances, and uptake
ET Yeh
Indigenous experience today, 69-97, 2020
Tibetan pastoralists’ vulnerability to climate change: A political ecology analysis of snowstorm coping capacity
ET Yeh, Y Nyima, KA Hopping, JA Klein
Human Ecology 42, 61-74, 2014
The effects of enclosures and land-use contracts on rangeland degradation on the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau
J Cao, ET Yeh, NM Holden, Y Yang, G Du
Journal of Arid Environments 97, 3-8, 2013
Mapping Shangrila: contested landscapes in the Sino-Tibetan borderlands
ET Yeh, CR Coggins
University of Washington Press, 2014
Catalyzing transformations to sustainability in the world's mountains
JA Klein, CM Tucker, AW Nolin, KA Hopping, RS Reid, C Steger, ...
Earth's Future 7 (5), 547-557, 2019
Rural politics in contemporary China
ET Yeh, KJ O’brien, J Ye
Rural Politics in Contemporary China, 9-22, 2016
Following the caterpillar fungus: nature, commodity chains, and the place of Tibet in China's uneven geographies
ET Yeh, KT Lama
Social & Cultural Geography 14 (3), 318-340, 2013
The politics of conservation in contemporary rural China
ET Yeh
Rural Politics in Contemporary China, 258-281, 2016
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Articles 1–20