Istvan Bartha
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Cited by
Broad betacoronavirus neutralization by a stem helix–specific human antibody
D Pinto, MM Sauer, N Czudnochowski, JS Low, MA Tortorici, MP Housley, ...
Science 373 (6559), 1109-1116, 2021
Human gene essentiality
I Bartha, J Di Iulio, JC Venter, A Telenti
Nature Reviews Genetics 19 (1), 51-62, 2018
Broad sarbecovirus neutralization by a human monoclonal antibody
MA Tortorici, N Czudnochowski, TN Starr, R Marzi, AC Walls, F Zatta, ...
Nature 597 (7874), 103-108, 2021
24 hours in the life of HIV-1 in a T cell line
P Mohammadi, S Desfarges, I Bartha, B Joos, N Zangger, M Munoz, ...
PLoS pathogens 9 (1), e1003161, 2013
Polymorphisms of large effect explain the majority of the host genetic contribution to variation of HIV-1 virus load
PJ McLaren, C Coulonges, I Bartha, TL Lenz, AJ Deutsch, A Bashirova, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (47), 14658-14663, 2015
The human noncoding genome defined by genetic diversity
J Di Iulio, I Bartha, EHM Wong, HC Yu, V Lavrenko, D Yang, I Jung, ...
Nature genetics 50 (3), 333-337, 2018
Predicting the mutational drivers of future SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern
MC Maher, I Bartha, S Weaver, J Di Iulio, E Ferri, L Soriaga, FA Lempp, ...
Science translational medicine 14 (633), eabk3445, 2022
Closing the gap between T-cell life span estimates from stable isotope-labeling studies in mice and humans
L Westera, J Drylewicz, I Den Braber, T Mugwagwa, I Van Der Maas, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 122 (13), 2205-2212, 2013
Severe viral respiratory infections in children with IFIH1 loss-of-function mutations
S Asgari, LJ Schlapbach, S Anchisi, C Hammer, I Bartha, T Junier, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (31), 8342-8347, 2017
A genome-to-genome analysis of associations between human genetic variation, HIV-1 sequence diversity, and viral control
I Bartha, JM Carlson, CJ Brumme, PJ McLaren, ZL Brumme, M John, ...
elife 2, e01123, 2013
Genome-to-genome analysis highlights the effect of the human innate and adaptive immune systems on the hepatitis C virus
MA Ansari, V Pedergnana, C LC Ip, A Magri, A Von Delft, D Bonsall, ...
Nature genetics 49 (5), 666-673, 2017
Precision medicine screening using whole-genome sequencing and advanced imaging to identify disease risk in adults
BA Perkins, CT Caskey, P Brar, E Dec, DS Karow, AM Kahn, YCC Hou, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (14), 3686-3691, 2018
Dynamics of HIV latency and reactivation in a primary CD4+ T cell model
P Mohammadi, J Di Iulio, M Munoz, R Martinez, I Bartha, M Cavassini, ...
PLoS pathogens 10 (5), e1004156, 2014
Risk assessment and seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare workers of COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 hospitals in Southern Switzerland
L Piccoli, P Ferrari, G Piumatti, S Jovic, BF Rodriguez, F Mele, ...
The Lancet Regional Health–Europe 1, 2021
Amino acid variation in HLA class II proteins is a major determinant of humoral response to common viruses
C Hammer, M Begemann, PJ McLaren, I Bartha, A Michel, B Klose, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 97 (5), 738-743, 2015
Mapping of positive selection sites in the HIV-1 genome in the context of RNA and protein structural constraints
J Snoeck, J Fellay, I Bartha, DC Douek, A Telenti, JS Joke, JF Jacques, ...
Retrovirology 8 (1), 87, 2011
Structural insights into the Trp‐Cage folding intermediate formation
P Rovó, P Stráner, A Láng, I Bartha, K Huszár, L Nyitray, A Perczel
Chemistry–A European Journal 19 (8), 2628-2640, 2013
Privacy-preserving genomic testing in the clinic: a model using HIV treatment
PJ McLaren, JL Raisaro, M Aouri, M Rotger, E Ayday, I Bartha, ...
Genetics in medicine 18 (8), 814-822, 2016
Analysis of stop-gain and frameshift variants in human innate immunity genes
A Rausell, P Mohammadi, PJ McLaren, I Bartha, I Xenarios, J Fellay, ...
PLoS computational biology 10 (7), e1003757, 2014
Functional characterization of 3D protein structures informed by human genetic diversity
M Hicks, I Bartha, J di Iulio, JC Venter, A Telenti
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (18), 8960-8965, 2019
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Articles 1–20