Leslie M Roche
Cited by
Cited by
A Global Meta-Analysis of Grazing Impacts on Soil Health Indicators
RC Byrnes, DJ Eastburn, KW Tate, LM Roche
Journal of Environmental Quality, 2018
Conservation program participation and adaptive rangeland decision-making
MN Lubell, BB Cutts, LM Roche, M Hamilton, JD Derner, E Kachergis, ...
Rangeland Ecology & Management 66 (6), 609-620, 2013
On-ranch grazing strategies: context for the rotational grazing dilemma
LM Roche, BB Cutts, JD Derner, MN Lubell, KW Tate
Rangeland Ecology & Management 68 (3), 248-256, 2015
Increasing flexibility in rangeland management during drought
E Kachergis, JD Derner, BB Cutts, LM Roche, VT Eviner, MN Lubell, ...
Ecosphere 5 (6), 1-14, 2014
Sustaining working rangelands: insights from rancher decision making
LM Roche, TK Schohr, JD Derner, MN Lubell, BB Cutts, E Kachergis, ...
Rangeland Ecology & Management 68 (5), 383-389, 2015
Restoration islands: a tool for efficiently restoring dryland ecosystems?
KB Hulvey, EA Leger, LM Porensky, LM Roche, KE Veblen, A Fund, ...
Restoration Ecology 25, S124-S134, 2017
Diverse management strategies produce similar ecological outcomes on ranches in Western Great Plains: social-ecological assessment
H Wilmer, DJ Augustine, JD Derner, ME Fernández-Giménez, DD Briske, ...
Rangeland Ecology & Management 71 (5), 626-636, 2018
Water quality conditions associated with cattle grazing and recreation on national forest lands
LM Roche, L Kromschroeder, ER Atwill, RA Dahlgren, KW Tate
PloS one 8 (6), e68127, 2013
Multiple ecosystem services in a working landscape
DJ Eastburn, AT O’Geen, KW Tate, LM Roche
PLoS One 12 (3), e0166595, 2017
Soil health as a transformational change agent for US grazing lands management
JD Derner, AJ Smart, TP Toombs, D Larsen, RL McCulley, J Goodwin, ...
Rangeland Ecology & Management 71 (4), 403-408, 2018
Coping with drought on California rangelands
DK Macon, S Barry, T Becchetti, JS Davy, MP Doran, JA Finzel, H George, ...
Rangelands 38 (4), 222-228, 2016
Adaptive rangeland decision-making and coping with drought
LM Roche
Sustainability 8 (12), 1334, 2016
Cattle grazing and conservation of a meadow-dependent amphibian species in the Sierra Nevada
LM Roche, AM Latimer, DJ Eastburn, KW Tate
PLoS One 7 (4), e35734, 2012
Estimating rangeland forage production using remote sensing data from a small unmanned aerial system (sUAS) and planetscope satellite
H Liu, RA Dahlgren, RE Larsen, SM Devine, LM Roche, AT O’Geen, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (5), 595, 2019
Characterizing Wyoming ranching operations: natural resource goals, management practices and information sources
E Kachergis, J Derner, L Roche, K Tate, M Lubell, R Mealor, J Magagna
Scientific Research Publishing, 2013
Indirect effects of domestic and wild herbivores on butterflies in an A frican savanna
ML Wilkerson, LM Roche, TP Young
Ecology and evolution 3 (11), 3672-3682, 2013
The use of spatially patterned methods for vegetation restoration and management across systems
JA Shaw, LM Roche, ES Gornish
Restoration Ecology 28 (4), 766-775, 2020
Cattle grazing and Yosemite toad (Bufo canorus Camp) breeding habitat in Sierra Nevada meadows
LM Roche, B Allen-Diaz, DJ Eastburn, KW Tate
Rangeland Ecology & Management 65 (1), 56-65, 2012
Introducing cattle grazing to a noxious weed-dominated rangeland shifts plant communities
JS Davy, LM Roche, AV Robertson, DE Nay, KW Tate
California Agriculture 69 (4), 2015
Understanding spatial variability of forage production in California grasslands: delineating climate, topography and soil controls
H Liu, Y Jin, LM Roche, A T O’Geen, RA Dahlgren
Environmental Research Letters 16 (1), 014043, 2021
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Articles 1–20