Farzaneh Mirzazadeh
Farzaneh Mirzazadeh
Staff Research Scientist at MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab
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Cited by
Hierarchical optimal transport for document representation
M Yurochkin, S Claici, E Chien, F Mirzazadeh, JM Solomon
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
Learning Embeddings into Entropic Wasserstein Spaces
C Frogner, F Mirzazadeh, J Solomon
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2019
Embedding inference for structured multilabel prediction
F Mirzazadeh, S Ravanbakhsh, N Ding, D Schuurmans
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 3555-3563, 2015
Convex Co-embedding
F Mirzazadeh, Y Guo, D Schuurmans
Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2014
A new learning algorithm for the MAXQ hierarchical reinforcement learning method
F Mirzazadeh, B Behsaz, H Beigy
Information and Communication Technology, 2007. ICICT'07. International …, 2007
From Large Language Models and Optimization to Decision Optimization CoPilot: A Research Manifesto
S Wasserkrug, L Boussioux, D Hertog, F Mirzazadeh, I Birbil, J Kurtz, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.16269, 2024
Scalable metric learning for co-embedding
F Mirzazadeh, M White, A György, D Schuurmans
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2015
BreGMN: scaled-Bregman generative modeling networks
A Srivastava, K Greenewald, F Mirzazadeh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.00313, 2019
Alleviating label switching with optimal transport
P Monteiller, S Claici, E Chien, F Mirzazadeh, JM Solomon, M Yurochkin
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 13612-13622, 2019
GC-Flow: A Graph-Based Flow Network for Effective Clustering
T Wang, F Mirzazadeh, X Zhang, J Chen
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2023
AUT-Talk: a Farsi talking head
R Safabakhsh, F Mirzazadeh
Information and Communication Technologies, 2006. ICTTA'06., 2006
Solving association problems with convex co-embedding
F Mirzazadeh
Using SNP data to predict radiation toxicity for prostate cancer patients
F Mirzazadeh
Enhancing Decision Making through the Integration of Large Language Models and Operations Research Optimization-Bridge Talk
S Wasserkrug, L Boussioux, D Den Hertog, F Mirzazadeh, SI Birbil, ...
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2025
Data dependent loss functions for focused generalization and transfer learning
F Mirzazadeh, D Schuurmans
ICML Workshop on Unsupervised and Transfer Learning, 2011
Online recognition of handwritten Persian words using a novel hierarchical fuzzy system
F Mirzazadeh, S Bagheri Shouraki
Supplementary Material: Alleviating Label Switching with Optimal Transport
P Monteiller, S Claici, E Chien, F Mirzazadeh, J Solomon, M Yurochkin
Supplementary material for Hierarchical Optimal Transport for Document Representation
M Yurochkin, S Claici, E Chien, F Mirzazadeh, J Solomon
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Articles 1–18