MohammadNoor Injadat, Ph.D.
MohammadNoor Injadat, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Zarqa University
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Cited by
Multi-Stage Optimized Machine Learning Framework for Network Intrusion Detection
MN Injadat, A Moubayed, AB Nassif, A Shami
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2020
Data mining techniques in social media: A survey
MN Injadat, F Salo, AB Nassif
Neurocomputing 214, 654-670, 2016
Student engagement level in an e-learning environment: Clustering using k-means
A Moubayed, M Injadat, A Shami, H Lutfiyya
American Journal of Distance Education 34 (2), 137-156, 2020
E-learning: Challenges and research opportunities using machine learning & data analytics
A Moubayed, M Injadat, AB Nassif, H Lutfiyya, A Shami
IEEE Access 6, 39117-39138, 2018
Bayesian optimization with machine learning algorithms towards anomaly detection
MN Injadat, F Salo, AB Nassif, A Essex, A Shami
2018 IEEE global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2018
Systematic ensemble model selection approach for educational data mining
MN Injadat, A Moubayed, AB Nassif, A Shami
Knowledge-Based Systems 200, 105992, 2020
Data mining techniques in intrusion detection systems: A systematic literature review
F Salo, M Injadat, AB Nassif, A Shami, A Essex
IEEE Access 6, 56046-56058, 2018
Machine learning towards intelligent systems: applications, challenges, and opportunities
MN Injadat, A Moubayed, AB Nassif, A Shami
Artificial Intelligence Review 54 (5), 3299-3348, 2021
Multi-split Optimized Bagging Ensemble Model Selection for Multi-class Educational Data Mining
MN Injadat, A Moubayed, AB Nassif, A Shami
Applied Intelligence 50 (12), 4506–4528, 2020
Detecting botnet attacks in IoT environments: an optimized machine learning approach
MN Injadat, A Moubayed, A Shami
2020 32nd International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), 1-4, 2020
Relationship between student engagement and performance in e-learning environment using association rules
A Moubayed, MN Injadat, A Shami, H Lutfiyya
2018 IEEE world engineering education conference (EDUNINE), 1-6, 2018
Dns typo-squatting domain detection: A data analytics & machine learning based approach
A Moubayed, MN Injadat, A Shami, H Lutfiyya
2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-7, 2018
Clustering enabled classification using ensemble feature selection for intrusion detection
F Salo, MN Injadat, A Moubayed, AB Nassif, A Essex
2019 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications …, 2019
Optimized random forest model for botnet detection based on DNS queries
A Moubayed, MN Injadat, A Shami
2020 32nd International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), 1-4, 2020
Data Mining with Big Data in Intrusion Detection Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
F Salo, MN Injadat, AB Nassif, A Essex
International Symposium on Big Data Management and Analytics 2019, 2020
IIoT network intrusion detection using machine learning
AM Eid, AB Nassif, B Soudan, MN Injadat
2023 6th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Control …, 2023
Comparative study of ML models for IIoT intrusion detection: impact of data preprocessing and balancing
AM Eid, B Soudan, AB Nassif, MN Injadat
Neural Computing and Applications 36 (13), 6955-6972, 2024
Optimized machine learning models towards intelligent systems
M Injadat
Ph. D. dissertation, 2020
A survey on network intrusion detection using convolutional neural network
A Kaissar, AB Nassif, MN Injadat
ITM Web of Conferences 43, 01003, 2022
Enhancing intrusion detection in IIoT: optimized CNN model with multi-class SMOTE balancing
AM Eid, B Soudan, AB Nassif, MN Injadat
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-17, 2024
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Articles 1–20