Jos P. van Leeuwen
Jos P. van Leeuwen
Professor of Civic Technology, The Hague University of Applied Sciences
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IfcOWL: A case of transforming EXPRESS schemas into ontologies
J Beetz, J Van Leeuwen, B De Vries
Ai Edam 23 (1), 89-101, 2009
Effectiveness of Virtual Reality in Participatory Urban Planning: A Case Study
JP van Leeuwen, K Hermans, A Jylhä, AJ Quanjer, H Nijman
Proceedings of the 4th Media Architecture Biennale Conference, 128-136, 2018
An ontology web language notation of the industry foundation classes
J Beetz, JP Van Leeuwen, B de Vries
Proceedings of the 22nd CIB W78 Conference on Information Technology in …, 2005
Evaluating design alternatives using conjoint experiments in virtual reality
J Dijkstra, J Van Leeuwen, H Timmermans
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 30 (3), 357-367, 2003
Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2001: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference held at the Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands …
B de Vries, JP van Leeuwen, H Achten
Springer Science & Business Media, 2001
Distributed object models for collaboration in the construction industry
JP van Leeuwen, A van der Zee
Automation in Construction 14 (4), 491-499, 2005
Modelling architectural design information by features: an approach to dynamic product modelling for application in architectural design
JP van Leeuwen
Architectural design-by-features
JP Van Leeuwen, H Wagter
CAAD futures 1997, 97-115, 1997
Towards a topological reasoning service for IFC-based building information models in a semantic web context
J Beetz, J Van Leeuwen, B De Vries
Proceedings of Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision …, 2006
Creating the Difference
J van Leeuwen, PJ Stappers, M Lamers, M Thissen
An information model for collaboration in the construction Industry
JP Van Leeuwen, S Fridqvist
Computers in Industry 57 (8-9), 809-816, 2006
Using Virtual Reality to Increase Civic Participation in Designing Public Spaces
J van Leeuwen, K Hermans, AJ Quanjer, A Jylhä, H Nijman
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web (ECDG’18 …, 2018
RDF-based distributed functional part specifications for the facilitation of service-based architectures
J Beetz, B De Vries, J Van Leeuwen
Proc. 24th W78 Conf. Maribor 2007, 183-188, 2007
Building and supporting shared understanding in collaborative problem-solving
N Deshpande, B De Vries, JP Van Leeuwen
Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'05), 737-742, 2005
The iLand of Madeira location aware multimedia stories
M Dionisio, V Nisi, JP Van Leeuwen
Joint International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, 147-152, 2010
Computer support for collaborative work in the construction industry
JP Van Leeuwen
Proceedings of the international conference on concurrent engineering, 599-606, 2003
A feature based approach to modelling architectural information
JP van Leeuwen, H Wagter, RM Oxman
Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Building and …, 1995
Innovations in design & decision support systems in architecture and urban planning
JP Van Leeuwen, HJP Timmermans
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
Recent advances in design and decision support systems in architecture and urban planning
J van Leeuwen, HJP Timmermans
Kluwer, 2004
Towards dynamic information modelling in architectural design
JP Van Leeuwen, A Hendricx, S Fridqvist
Proceedings of the CIB-W78 International Conference IT in Construction in …, 2001
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Articles 1–20