Loïc Magrou
Loïc Magrou
Post-doc, Center for Neural Science, New York University
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A weighted and directed interareal connectivity matrix for macaque cerebral cortex
NT Markov, MM Ercsey-Ravasz, AR Ribeiro Gomes, C Lamy, L Magrou, ...
Cerebral cortex 24 (1), 17-36, 2014
The role of long-range connections on the specificity of the macaque interareal cortical network
NT Markov, M Ercsey-Ravasz, C Lamy, AR Ribeiro Gomes, L Magrou, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (13), 5187-5192, 2013
Spatial embedding and wiring cost constrain the functional layout of the cortical network of rodents and primates
S Horvát, R Gămănuț, M Ercsey-Ravasz, L Magrou, B Gămănuț, ...
PLoS biology 14 (7), e1002512, 2016
Parcels and particles: Markov blankets in the brain
KJ Friston, ED Fagerholm, TS Zarghami, T Parr, I Hipólito, L Magrou, ...
Network Neuroscience 5 (1), 211-251, 2021
Cortical hierarchy, dual counterstream architecture and the importance of top-down generative networks
J Vezoli, L Magrou, R Goebel, XJ Wang, K Knoblauch, M Vinck, ...
NeuroImage 225, 117479, 2021
How areal specification shapes the local and interareal circuits in a macaque model of congenital blindness
L Magrou, P Barone, NT Markov, HP Killackey, P Giroud, M Berland, ...
Cerebral Cortex 28 (8), 3017-3034, 2018
Retinotopic organization of feedback projections in primate early visual cortex: implications for active vision
M Wang, Y Hou, L Magrou, JA Autio, P Misery, T Coalson, E Reid, Y Xu, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.04. 27.489651, 2022
Unique Features of Subcortical Circuits in a Macaque Model of Congenital Blindness
L Magrou, P Barone, NT Markov, G Scheeren, HP Killackey, P Giroud, ...
Cerebral Cortex 30 (3), 1407-1421, 2020
Cortical Connectivity In A Macaque Model Of Congenital Blindness
L Magrou, P Barone, NT Markov, H Killackey, P Giroud, M Berland, ...
bioRxiv, 188888, 2017
The meso-connectomes of mouse, marmoset, and macaque: network organization and the emergence of higher cognition
L Magrou, MKP Joyce, S Froudist-Walsh, D Datta, XJ Wang, ...
Cerebral Cortex 34 (5), bhae174, 2024
Within Animal Comparison of Tract-tracing and High Resolution Tractography Yields High Correlations
A Teillac, Y Hou, L Magrou, C Lamy, P Misery, N Richard, M Descoteaux, ...
Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2019
Multi-shell multi-tissue fODF tractography improves V1-V2 macaque connectivity mapping
G Theaud, M Descoteaux, R Cossette-Roberge, JC Houde, C Ye, ...
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med (ISMRM) 26, 3230, 2018
Développement et structure des réseaux corticaux chez le macaque
L Magrou
Lyon, 2016
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Articles 1–13