Kachi Odoemene
Kachi Odoemene
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Cited by
Visual evidence accumulation guides decision-making in unrestrained mice
O Odoemene, S Pisupati, H Nguyen, AK Churchland
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (47), 10143-10155, 2018
Engineered T4 viral nanoparticles for cellular imaging and flow cytometry
KL Robertson, CM Soto, MJ Archer, O Odoemene, JL Liu
Bioconjugate chemistry 22 (4), 595-604, 2011
Determination of electrode to nerve fiber distance and nerve conduction velocity through spectral analysis of the extracellular action potentials recorded from earthworm giant …
S Qiao, O Odoemene, K Yoshida
Medical & biological engineering & computing 50, 867-875, 2012
Abrupt darkening under high dynamic range (HDR) luminance invokes facilitation for high-contrast targets and grouping by luminance similarity
CP Hung, C Callahan-Flintoft, PD Fedele, KF Fluitt, O Odoemene, ...
Journal of Vision 20 (7), 9-9, 2020
Evaluation of neural information content from the phase component of a 32-channel frequency-domain fNIRS system
CA Scholl, JJ Wathen, MJ Fitch, GW Milsap, MC Thompson, ...
Optical Techniques in Neurosurgery, Neurophotonics, and Optogenetics 11629 …, 2021
A 100,000-to-1 high dynamic range (HDR) luminance display for investigating visual perception under real-world luminance dynamics
CP Hung, C Callahan-Flintoft, AJ Walker, PD Fedele, KF Fluitt, ...
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 338, 108684, 2020
An 11-bit High Dynamic Range (HDR) Luminance Display and Its Use to Discover Contextual Mechanisms of Real-World Luminance Normalization for Visual Acuity and Target Discrimination
AVH Chou P Hung, Chloe Callahan-Flintoft, Paul D Fedele, Kim F Fluitt ...
BioRxiv, 718437, 2019
Addressing Visual Search in Open and Closed Set Settings
N Drenkow, P Burlina, N Fendley, O Odoemene, J Markowitz
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Objectness-Guided Open Set Visual Search and Closed Set Detection.
N Drenkow, P Burlina, N Fendley, K Odoemene, J Markowitz
2020-12-11)[2021-04-14]. https://arxiv. org/abs, 2012
Abrupt Darkening Under High Dynamic Range (HDR) Luminance Invokes Facilitation for High-Contrast Targets and Grouping by Luminance Similarity
C Callahan-Flintoft, PD Fedele, KF Fluitt, O Odoemene, AJ Walker, ...
Combat Capabilities Development Command Army Research Laboratory Aberdeen …, 2020
Dataset from: Visual evidence accumulation guides decision-making in unrestrained mice.
O Odoemene, S Pisupati, H Nguyen, AK Churchland
Contextual Effects of High Dynamic Range (HDR) Luminance on Orientation Discrimination
C Hung, O Odoemene, A Harrison, A Walker, M Wei, A Ries, B Vaughan
Journal of Vision 18 (10), 624-624, 2018
Listening for the Right Sounds
O Odoemene, AK Churchland
Neuron 82 (5), 944-945, 2014
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Articles 1–13