Ying Liu
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Cited by
Diversity, taxonomy, and evolution of archaeal viruses of the class Caudoviricetes
Y Liu, TA Demina, S Roux, P Aiewsakun, D Kazlauskas, P Simmonds, ...
PLoS biology 19 (11), e3001442, 2021
Temperate membrane-containing halophilic archaeal virus SNJ1 has a circular dsDNA genome identical to that of plasmid pHH205
Z Zhang, Y Liu, S Wang, D Yang, Y Cheng, J Hu, J Chen, Y Mei, P Shen, ...
Virology 434 (2), 233-241, 2012
Virus-borne mini-CRISPR arrays are involved in interviral conflicts
S Medvedeva, Y Liu, EV Koonin, K Severinov, D Prangishvili, M Krupovic
Nature communications 10 (1), 5204, 2019
Structure and assembly of archaeal viruses
DP Baquero, Y Liu, F Wang, EH Egelman, D Prangishvili, M Krupovic
Advances in virus research 108, 127-164, 2020
Halophilic archaea cultivated from surface sterilized middle-late Eocene rock salt are polyploid
ST Jaakkola, K Zerulla, Q Guo, Y Liu, H Ma, C Yang, DH Bamford, X Chen, ...
PLoS One 9 (10), e110533, 2014
Unique architecture of thermophilic archaeal virus APBV1 and its genome packaging
D Ptchelkine, A Gillum, T Mochizuki, S Lucas-Staat, Y Liu, M Krupovic, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1436, 2017
Identification and characterization of SNJ 2, the first temperate pleolipovirus integrating into the genome of the SNJ 1‐lysogenic archaeal strain
Y Liu, J Wang, Y Liu, Y Wang, Z Zhang, HM Oksanen, DH Bamford, ...
Molecular microbiology 98 (6), 1002-1020, 2015
Structural conservation in a membrane-enveloped filamentous virus infecting a hyperthermophilic acidophile
Y Liu, T Osinski, F Wang, M Krupovic, S Schouten, P Kasson, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3360, 2018
New virus isolates from Italian hydrothermal environments underscore the biogeographic pattern in archaeal virus communities
DP Baquero, P Contursi, M Piochi, S Bartolucci, Y Liu, ...
The ISME Journal 14 (7), 1821-1833, 2020
The complete genome of a viable archaeum isolated from 123‐million‐year‐old rock salt
ST Jaakkola, F Pfeiffer, JJ Ravantti, Q Guo, Y Liu, X Chen, H Ma, C Yang, ...
Environmental microbiology 18 (2), 565-579, 2016
Bacterial Viruses Subcommittee and Archaeal Viruses Subcommittee of the ICTV: update of taxonomy changes in 2021
M Krupovic, D Turner, V Morozova, M Dyall-Smith, HM Oksanen, ...
Archives of Virology 166 (11), 3239-3244, 2021
A packing for A-form DNA in an icosahedral virus
F Wang, Y Liu, Z Su, T Osinski, GAP de Oliveira, JF Conway, S Schouten, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (45), 22591-22597, 2019
A novel family of tyrosine integrases encoded by the temperate pleolipovirus SNJ2
J Wang, Y Liu, Y Liu, K Du, S Xu, Y Wang, M Krupovic, X Chen
Nucleic acids research 46 (5), 2521-2536, 2018
Going to extremes–a metagenomic journey into the dark matter of life
A Aevarsson, AK Kaczorowska, BT Adalsteinsson, J Ahlqvist, ...
FEMS microbiology letters 368 (12), fnab067, 2021
A novel type of polyhedral viruses infecting hyperthermophilic archaea
Y Liu, S Ishino, Y Ishino, G Pehau-Arnaudet, M Krupovic, D Prangishvili
Journal of virology 91 (13), 10.1128/jvi. 00589-17, 2017
New archaeal viruses discovered by metagenomic analysis of viral communities in enrichment cultures
Y Liu, D Brandt, S Ishino, Y Ishino, EV Koonin, J Kalinowski, M Krupovic, ...
Environmental microbiology 21 (6), 2002-2014, 2019
Salinity regulation of the interaction of halovirus SNJ1 with its host and alteration of the halovirus replication strategy to adapt to the variable ecosystem
Y Mei, C He, Y Huang, Y Liu, Z Zhang, X Chen, P Shen
PLoS One 10 (4), e0123874, 2015
Identification, characterization, and application of the replicon region of the halophilic temperate sphaerolipovirus SNJ1
Y Wang, L Sima, J Lv, S Huang, Y Liu, J Wang, M Krupovic, X Chen
Journal of bacteriology 198 (14), 1952-1964, 2016
The evolution of archaeal flagellar filaments
MA Kreutzberger, V Cvirkaite-Krupovic, Y Liu, DP Baquero, F Wang, ...
Biophysical Journal 122 (3), 543a, 2023
New insights into the diversity and evolution of the archaeal mobilome from three complete genomes of Saccharolobus shibatae
S Medvedeva, D Brandt, V Cvirkaite‐Krupovic, Y Liu, K Severinov, ...
Environmental microbiology 23 (8), 4612-4630, 2021
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Articles 1–20