Ariel Procaccia
Ariel Procaccia
Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science, Harvard University
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Handbook of Computational Social Choice
F Brandt, V Conitzer, U Endriss, J Lang, AD Procaccia
Cambridge University Press, 2016
The unreasonable fairness of maximum Nash welfare
I Caragiannis, D Kurokawa, H Moulin, AD Procaccia, N Shah, J Wang
ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation 7 (3), 1-32, 2019
Approximate mechanism design without money
AD Procaccia, M Tennenholtz
ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (TEAC) 1 (4), 1-26, 2013
Fair Enough: Guaranteeing Approximate Maximin Shares
D Kurokawa, AD Procaccia, J Wang
Journal of the ACM 65 (2), article 8, 2018
WeBuildAI: Participatory framework for algorithmic governance
MK Lee, D Kusbit, A Kahng, JT Kim, X Yuan, A Chan, D See, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction 3 (CSCW), 1-35, 2019
Beyond dominant resource fairness: Extensions, limitations, and indivisibilities
DC Parkes, AD Procaccia, N Shah
ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (TEAC) 3 (1), 1-22, 2015
Optimal social choice functions: A utilitarian view
C Boutilier, I Caragiannis, S Haber, T Lu, AD Procaccia, O Sheffet
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 197-214, 2012
Truth, justice, and cake cutting
Y Chen, J Lai, D Parkes, AD Procaccia
Games and Economic Behavior 77, 284-297, 2013
AI’s war on manipulation: Are we winning?
P Faliszewski, AD Procaccia
AI Magazine 31 (4), 53-64, 2010
Approximating power indices: theoretical and empirical analysis
Y Bachrach, E Markakis, E Resnick, AD Procaccia, JS Rosenschein, ...
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 20, 105-122, 2010
A voting-based system for ethical decision making
R Noothigattu, S Gaikwad, E Awad, S Dsouza, I Rahwan, P Ravikumar, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 32 (1), 2018
No agent left behind: Dynamic fair division of multiple resources
I Kash, AD Procaccia, N Shah
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 51, 579-603, 2014
Spliddit: Unleashing fair division algorithms
J Goldman, AD Procaccia
ACM SIGecom Exchanges 13 (2), 41-46, 2015
Junta distributions and the average-case complexity of manipulating elections
AD Procaccia, JS Rosenschein
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 28, 157-181, 2007
The distortion of cardinal preferences in voting
AD Procaccia, JS Rosenschein
International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents, 317-331, 2006
Cake cutting: Not just child's play
AD Procaccia
Communications of the ACM 56 (7), 78-87, 2013
On the complexity of achieving proportional representation
AD Procaccia, JS Rosenschein, A Zohar
Social Choice and Welfare 30 (3), 353-362, 2008
Incentive compatible regression learning
O Dekel, F Fischer, AD Procaccia
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 76 (8), 759-777, 2010
Complexity of Strategic Behavior in Multi-Winner Elections.
R Meir, AD Procaccia, JS Rosenschein, A Zohar
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 33, 149-178, 2008
Better human computation through principled voting
A Mao, A Procaccia, Y Chen
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 27 (1), 1142-1148, 2013
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Articles 1–20