Chi Zhang
Chi Zhang
MIT Media Lab, McGovern Institute for Brain Research
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Cited by
Organometallic palladium reagents for cysteine bioconjugation
EV Vinogradova, C Zhang, AM Spokoyny, BL Pentelute, SL Buchwald
Nature 526 (7575), 687-691, 2015
π-Clamp-mediated cysteine conjugation
C Zhang, M Welborn, T Zhu, NJ Yang, MS Santos, T Van Voorhis, ...
Nature chemistry 8 (2), 120-128, 2016
Arylation chemistry for bioconjugation
C Zhang, EV Vinogradova, AM Spokoyny, SL Buchwald, BL Pentelute
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 58 (15), 4810-4839, 2019
Rapid flow‐based peptide synthesis
MD Simon, PL Heider, A Adamo, AA Vinogradov, SK Mong, X Li, T Berger, ...
ChemBioChem 15 (5), 713-720, 2014
Divergent unprotected peptide macrocyclisation by palladium-mediated cysteine arylation
AJ Rojas, C Zhang, EV Vinogradova, NH Buchwald, J Reilly, BL Pentelute, ...
Chemical science 8 (6), 4257-4263, 2017
Expansion microscopy of C. elegans
CC Yu, NC Barry, AT Wassie, A Sinha, A Bhattacharya, S Asano, C Zhang, ...
Elife 9, e46249, 2020
Site‐Selective Cysteine–Cyclooctyne Conjugation
C Zhang, P Dai, AA Vinogradov, ZP Gates, BL Pentelute
Angewandte Chemie 130 (22), 6569-6573, 2018
Convergent diversity-oriented side-chain macrocyclization scan for unprotected polypeptides
Y Zou, AM Spokoyny, C Zhang, MD Simon, H Yu, YS Lin, BL Pentelute
Organic & biomolecular chemistry 12 (4), 566-573, 2014
A chemoselective strategy for late-stage functionalization of complex small molecules with polypeptides and proteins
DT Cohen, C Zhang, CM Fadzen, AJ Mijalis, L Hie, KD Johnson, Z Shriver, ...
Nature chemistry 11 (1), 78-85, 2019
An umpolung approach for the chemoselective arylation of selenocysteine in unprotected peptides
DT Cohen, C Zhang, BL Pentelute, SL Buchwald
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (31), 9784-9787, 2015
Enzymatic “click” ligation: selective cysteine modification in polypeptides enabled by promiscuous glutathione S‐transferase
C Zhang, AM Spokoyny, Y Zou, MD Simon, BL Pentelute
Angewandte Chemie 125 (52), 14251-14255, 2013
Enzyme-catalyzed macrocyclization of long unprotected peptides
C Zhang, P Dai, AM Spokoyny, BL Pentelute
Organic letters 16 (14), 3652-3655, 2014
Salt effect accelerates site-selective cysteine bioconjugation
P Dai, C Zhang, M Welborn, JJ Shepherd, T Zhu, T Van Voorhis, ...
ACS central science 2 (9), 637-646, 2016
d-Amino Acid Scan of Two Small Proteins
MD Simon, Y Maki, AA Vinogradov, C Zhang, H Yu, YS Lin, Y Kajihara, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 138 (37), 12099-12111, 2016
Library design-facilitated high-throughput sequencing of synthetic peptide libraries
AA Vinogradov, ZP Gates, C Zhang, AJ Quartararo, KH Halloran, ...
ACS combinatorial science 19 (11), 694-701, 2017
Expansion microscopy for beginners: visualizing microtubules in expanded cultured HeLa cells
C Zhang, JS Kang, SM Asano, R Gao, ES Boyden
Current protocols in neuroscience 92 (1), e96, 2020
Amide-forming chemical ligation via O-acyl hydroxamic acids
DL Dunkelmann, Y Hirata, KA Totaro, DT Cohen, C Zhang, ZP Gates, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (15), 3752-3757, 2018
A structural and mechanistic study of π-clamp-mediated cysteine perfluoroarylation
P Dai, JK Williams, C Zhang, M Welborn, JJ Shepherd, T Zhu, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 7954, 2017
Recording of cellular physiological histories along optically readable self-assembling protein chains
C Linghu, B An, M Shpokayte, OT Celiker, N Shmoel, R Zhang, C Zhang, ...
Nature Biotechnology 41 (5), 640-651, 2023
Photo-expansion microscopy enables super-resolution imaging of cells embedded in 3D hydrogels
KA Günay, TL Chang, NP Skillin, VV Rao, LJ Macdougall, AA Cutler, ...
Nature materials 22 (6), 777-785, 2023
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