Fereydoon Laal
Fereydoon Laal
Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran
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Investigating the impact of establishing integrated management systems on accidents and safety performance indices: A case study
F Laal, M Pouyakian, RF Madvari, AH Khoshakhlagh, GH Halvani
Safety and health at work 10 (1), 54-60, 2019
A comprehensive approach to analyze the risk of floating roof storage tanks
M Pouyakian, MJ Jafari, F Laal, F Nourai, E Zarei
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 146, 811-836, 2021
Relationship between musculoskeletal disorders and anthropometric indices among bus drivers in Zahedan city
F Laal, RF Madvari, D Balarak, M Mohammadi, E Dortaj, A Khammar, ...
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 24 (3), 431-437, 2018
Technical, human, and organizational factors affecting failures of firefighting systems (FSs) of atmospheric storage tanks: providing a risk assessment approach using Fuzzy …
F Laal, M Pouyakian, MJ Jafari, F Nourai, AA Hosseini, A Khanteymoori
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 65, 104157, 2020
Evaluation of the influence of ergonomic intervention on the musculoskeletal disorders of Zahedan tailors
F Laal, R Mirzaei, MS Behdani, M Mohammadi, K Khodami
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 23 (3), 380-385, 2017
The impacts of rest breaks and stretching exercises on lower back pain among commercial truck drivers in Iran
M Ghasemi, AH Khoshakhlagh, A Ghanjal, S Yazdanirad, F Laal
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics 26 (4), 662-669, 2020
Attitude toward the Patient Safety Culture in healthcare systems
F Laal, B Fazli, D Balarak, F Dalir, M Mohammadi, R Mirzaei
Journal of Patient Safety & Quality Improvement 4 (2), 363-368, 2016
The relationship between illnesses and medical drug consumption with the occurrence of traffic accidents among truck and bus drivers in Tehran, Iran
AH Khoshakhlagh, S Yazdanirad, F Laal, V Sarsangi
Chinese journal of traumatology 22 (03), 142-147, 2019
Designing and determination of validity and reliability of the questionnaire increasing the duration of using the hearing protection device by workers based on BASNEF model
M Monazam, F Laal, V Sarsangi, R Fallahmadvari, K Najafi, ...
Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 25 (6), 21-28, 2018
Relationship between noise annoyance and job burnout among exposed worker to noise pollution: A case study in ceramic industry
RF Madvari, SF Dehghan, H Bidel, F Laal, G Halvani, HM Kordmiri, ...
Journal of Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention 7 (3), 151-158, 2019
Assessment of mental workload, workability and musculoskeletal disorders of firefighters
M Saremi, RF Madvari, F Laal, N Noorizadeh, E Rahimi
Journal of community health research, 2019
Dynamic risk assessment of storage tank using consequence modeling and fuzzy Bayesian network
H Mohammadi, F Laal, F Mohammadian, P Yari, M Kangavari, SM Hanifi
Heliyon 9 (8), 2023
A systematic review of consequence modeling studies of the process accidents in Iran from 2006 to 2022
M Pouyakian, M Ashouri, S Eidani, RF Madvari, F Laal
Heliyon 9 (2), 2023
Investigating the reasons for turnover intention of workers in the spinning and weaving industries in Iran
HR Saberi, AH Khoshakhlagh, F Laal, M Mirzahosseininejad, M Hannani, ...
Corporate Reputation Review 26 (4), 320-331, 2023
Health risk assessment of exposure to harmful chemical agents in a refinery
S Moradi Hanifi, F Laal, Z Panjali, J Khoubi
Archives of Occupational Health 3 (1), 299-306, 2019
Estimate of the percent reduction of the workers hearing loss by doing a training intervention based on BASNEF Pattern
R Fallah Madvari, F Laal, M Abbasi, MR Monazzam, A Fallah Madvari
Archives of Acoustics 44 (1), 27-33, 2019
Relationship between quality of life and occupational accidents in South-East of Iran (Zahedan)
F Laal, MJ Modrek, D Balarak, M Mohammadi, M Rakhshani, N Rigi
Glob J Health Sci 9 (2), 112-8, 2017
Providing an approach to analyze the risk of central oxygen tanks in hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic
F Laal, SM Hanifi, RF Madvari, AH Khoshakhlagh, MF Arefi
Heliyon 9 (8), 2023
Total shielding efficiency, reflection loss and absorption loss of nanoparticles/paraffin wax absorber in the shielding of electromagnetic pollution
R Fallah Madvari, S Hosseinabadi, H Bidel, G Pourtaghi, F Laal
Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials 23 (6), 666-673, 2022
Investigating the effect of increasing duration time of using the protective device on hearing loss among tile industry workers: Application of the BASNEF education model.
MRM Esmaielpour, F Laal, F Majlessi, RF Madvari, AR Foroushani, ...
Journal of Health & Safety at Work 7 (4), 2018
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Articles 1–20