Mengxiao Zhu
Cited by
Cited by
The effect of automated feedback on revision behavior and learning gains in formative assessment of scientific argument writing
M Zhu, OL Liu, HS Lee
Computers & Education 143, 103668, 2020
Motivations for self-assembling into project teams
M Zhu, Y Huang, NS Contractor
Social networks 35 (2), 251-264, 2013
Investigating the impact of automated feedback on students’ scientific argumentation
M Zhu, HS Lee, T Wang, OL Liu, V Belur, A Pallant
International Journal of Science Education 39 (12), 1648-1668, 2017
Innovative assessment of collaboration
AA Von Davier, M Zhu, PC Kyllonen
Springer, 2017
Longitudinal engagement, performance, and social connectivity: a MOOC case study using exponential random graph models
M Zhu, Y Bergner, Y Zhang, R Baker, Y Wang, L Paquette
Proceedings of the sixth international conference on learning analytics …, 2016
Using networks to visualize and analyze process data for educational assessment
M Zhu, Z Shu, AA von Davier
Journal of Educational Measurement 53 (2), 190-211, 2016
An item response theory analysis of problem-solving processes in scenario-based tasks
Z Shu, Y Bergner, M Zhu, J Hao, AA von Davier
Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling 59 (1), 109, 2017
The Formation of Task-Oriented Groups: Exploring Combat Activities in Online Games
Y Huang, M Zhu, J Wang, N Pathak, C Shen, B Keegan, D Williams, ...
Computational Science and Engineering, 2009. CSE'09. International …, 2009
Empirical study on clique-degree distribution of networks
WK Xiao, J Ren, F Qi, ZW Song, MX Zhu, HF Yang, HY Jin, BH Wang, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (3 …, 2007
Hiercdf: A bayesian network-based hierarchical cognitive diagnosis framework
J Li, F Wang, Q Liu, M Zhu, W Huang, Z Huang, E Chen, Y Su, S Wang
Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD conference on knowledge discovery and …, 2022
Automatic keywords extraction of Chinese document using small world structure
M Zhu, Z Cai, Q Cai
Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, 2003. Proceedings …, 2003
An exploratory study using social network analysis to model eye movements in mathematics problem solving
M Zhu, G Feng
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Learning Analytics and …, 2015
Analysis of keystroke sequences in writing logs
M Zhu, M Zhang, P Deane
ETS Research Report Series 2019 (1), 1-16, 2019
Agent‐based modeling of collaborative problem solving
Y Bergner, JJ Andrews, M Zhu, JE Gonzales
ETS Research Report Series 2016 (2), 1-14, 2016
Will You Be My Friend? An Exploration of Adolescent Friendship Formation Online in Teen Second Life
B Foucault, M Zhu, Y Huang, Z Atrash, N Contractor
Innovative assessment of collaboration
AA Davier, M Zhu, PC Kyllonen
(No Title), 2017
Identifying and comparing writing process patterns using keystroke logs
M Zhang, M Zhu, P Deane, H Guo
Quantitative Psychology: 83rd Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society …, 2019
Network analysis of conversation data for engineering professional skills assessment
M Zhu, M Zhang
ETS Research Report Series 2017 (1), 1-13, 2017
Correspondence analysis of multirelational multilevel networks
M Zhu, V Kuskova, S Wasserman, N Contractor
Multilevel Network Analysis for the Social Sciences: Theory, Methods and …, 2016
Understanding the connections of collaborative problem solving skills in a simulation-based task through network analysis
M Zhu, JA Todd
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2019
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Articles 1–20