Georgina M. Sanchez, PhD
Georgina M. Sanchez, PhD
Center for Geospatial Analytics, North Carolina State University
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Cited by
Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of soil contamination with heavy metals during an intensive urbanization period (1989–2018) in southern China
C Li, G Sanchez, Z Wu, J Cheng, S Zhang, Q Wang, F Li, G Sun, ...
Environmental Pollution 260 (114075), 2020
Sea level rise impacts on rural coastal social-ecological systems and the implications for decision making
A Bhattachan, MD Jurjonas, AC Moody, PR Morris, GM Sanchez, ...
Environmental science & policy 90, 122-134, 2018
Impacts of Urbanization on Watershed Water Balances across the Conterminous United States
C Li, G Sun, P Caldwell, E Cohen, Y Fang, Y Zhang, L Oudin, ...
Water Resources Research, 2020
Forecasting water demand across a rapidly urbanizing region
G Sanchez, A Terando, JW Smith, AM Garcia, C Wagner, R Meentemeyer
Science of the Total Environment, 2020
Cultural ecosystem services caught in a ‘coastal squeeze’ between sea level rise and urban expansion
L Smart, J Vukomanovic, E Sills, G Sanchez
Global Environmental Change 66, 102209, 2020
Development of a socio-ecological environmental justice model for watershed-based management
GM Sanchez, AP Nejadhashemi, Z Zhang, SA Woznicki, G Habron, ...
Journal of Hydrology 518, 162-177, 2014
Modeling landowner interactions and development patterns at the urban fringe
J Koch, MA Dorning, DB Van Berkel, SM Beck, GM Sanchez, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 182, 101-113, 2019
Predicting flood damage probability across the conterminous United States
E Collins, G Sanchez, A Terando, C Stillwell, H Mitasova, A Sebastian, ...
Environmental Research Letters 17, 034006, 2022
Spatial Patterns of Development Drive Water Use
GM Sanchez, JW Smith, A Terando, G Sun, RK Meentemeyer
Water Resources Research, 2018
Linking watershed-scale stream health and socioeconomic indicators with spatial clustering and structural equation modeling
GM Sanchez, AP Nejadhashemi, Z Zhang, S Marquart-Pyatt, G Habron, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 70, 113-127, 2015
Breeding for Climate Change Resilience: A Case Study of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.) in North America
LP Matallana-Ramirez, RW Whetten, GM Sanchez, KG Payn
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 606908, 2021
Riparian buffers increase future baseflow and reduce peakflows in a developing watershed
ET Gay, KL Martin, PV Caldwell, RE Emanuel, GM Sanchez, KM Suttles
Science of the Total Environment 862, 160834, 2023
Land-use and water demand projections (2012 to 2065) under different scenarios of environmental change for North Carolina, South Carolina, and coastal Georgia
RM Georgina Sanchez, Adam Terando, Jordan W. Smith, Ana Maria Garcia, Chad ...
U.S. Geological Survey data release, 2020
Spatially interactive modeling of land change identifies location-specific adaptations most likely to lower future flood risk
GM Sanchez, A Petrasova, MM Skrip, EL Collins, MA Lawrimore, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 18869, 2023
Integrating principles and tools of decision science into value‐driven watershed planning for compensatory mitigation
GM Sanchez, MJ Eaton, AM Garcia, J Keisman, K Ullman, J Blackwell, ...
Ecological Applications 33 (2), e2766, 2023
Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) models for the Cape Fear River Basin used to simulate future streamflow and irrigation demand based on climate and urban growth projections
LN Gurley, AM García, CA Pfeifle, GM Sanchez
Scientific Investigations Report, 2023
Global patterns in river water storage dependent on residence time
EL Collins, CH David, R Riggs, GH Allen, TM Pavelsky, P Lin, M Pan, ...
Nature Geoscience, 1-7, 2024
Simulation of future streamflow and irrigation demand based on climate and urban growth projections in the Cape Fear and Pee Dee River Basins, North Carolina and South Carolina …
LN Gurley, AM García, CA Pfeifle, GM Sanchez
Scientific Investigations Report, 2023
Effects of urbanization on Water Yield, Ecosystem Productivity, and Micro-Climate: Case studies in the United States and China
G Sun, C Li, L Hao, E Mack, J Boggs, S McNulty, P Caldwell, G Sanchez, ...
Authorea Preprints, 2022
A framework for integrated water resources management, environmental justice, and stream health
GM Sanchez
Michigan State University, 2014
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Articles 1–20