Jongwuk Lee
Cited by
Cited by
Railroad is not a train: Saliency as pseudo-pixel supervision for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
S Lee, M Lee, J Lee, H Shim
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2021
Personalized top-k skyline queries in high-dimensional space
J Lee, G You, S Hwang
Information Systems 34 (1), 45-61, 2009
Improving the accuracy of top-n recommendation using a preference model
J Lee, D Lee, YC Lee, WS Hwang, SW Kim
Information Sciences 348, 290-304, 2016
MelBERT: Metaphor detection via contextualized late interaction using metaphorical identification theories
M Choi, S Lee, E Choi, H Park, J Lee, D Lee, J Lee
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.13615, 2021
BSkyTree: scalable skyline computation using a balanced pivot selection
J Lee, S Hwang
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Extending Database …, 2010
“Told you i didn't like it”: Exploiting uninteresting items for effective collaborative filtering
WS Hwang, J Parc, SW Kim, J Lee, D Lee
2016 IEEE 32nd international conference on data engineering (ICDE), 349-360, 2016
Scalable skyline computation using a balanced pivot selection technique
J Lee, SW Hwang
Information Systems 39, 1-21, 2014
Collaborative distillation for top-N recommendation
J Lee, M Choi, J Lee, H Shim
2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 369-378, 2019
Toward efficient multidimensional subspace skyline computation
J Lee, S Hwang
The VLDB Journal 23, 129-145, 2014
Telescope: Zooming to interesting skylines
J Lee, G You, S Hwang
International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 539-550, 2007
-Injection: Toward Effective Collaborative Filtering Using Uninteresting Items
J Lee, WS Hwang, J Parc, Y Lee, SW Kim, D Lee
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 31 (1), 3-16, 2017
Dual unbiased recommender learning for implicit feedback
J Lee, S Park, J Lee
Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2021
Navigation system for product search
J Lee, S Hwang, Z Nie, JR Wen
2010 IEEE 26th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2010 …, 2010
Optimizing skyline queries over incomplete data
J Lee, H Im, G You
Information Sciences 361, 14-28, 2016
Session-aware linear item-item models for session-based recommendation
M Choi, J Kim, J Lee, H Shim, J Lee
Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021, 2186-2197, 2021
Interactive skyline queries
J Lee, G You, S Hwang, J Selke, WT Balke
Information Sciences 211, 18-35, 2012
Efficient dual-resolution layer indexing for top-k queries
J Lee, H Cho, S Hwang
2012 IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering, 1084-1095, 2012
Distilling from professors: Enhancing the knowledge distillation of teachers
D Bang, J Lee, H Shim
Information sciences 576, 743-755, 2021
Hybrid entity clustering using crowds and data
J Lee, H Cho, JW Park, Y Cha, S Hwang, Z Nie, JR Wen
The VLDB Journal 22, 711-726, 2013
Query result clustering for object-level search
J Lee, S Hwang, Z Nie, JR Wen
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2009
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Articles 1–20