Suzanne de Castell
Cited by
Cited by
Defining ‘literacy’in North American schools: Social and historical conditions and consequences
S De Castell, A Luke
Journal of Curriculum Studies 15 (4), 373-389, 1983
Beyond criticism: The authority of the school text
C Luke, S De Castell, A Luke
Curriculum Inquiry 13 (2), 111-127, 1983
Queer pedagogy: Praxis makes im/perfect
M Bryson, S De Castell
Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation, 285-305, 1993
Gender, simulation, and gaming: Research review and redirections
J Jenson, S De Castell
Simulation & gaming 41 (1), 51-71, 2010
OP‐ED serious play
S De Castell, J Jenson
J. Curriculum Studies 35 (6), 649-665, 2003
Language, authority, and criticism: Readings on the school textbook
S De Castell, A Luke, C Luke
(No Title), 1989
Cheerleaders/booth babes/ Halo hoes: pro-gaming, gender and jobs for the boys
N Taylor, J Jenson, S De Castell
Digital Creativity 20 (4), 239-252, 2009
Literacy, society, and schooling: A reader
S De Castell, A Luke, K Egan
Cambridge University Press, 1986
Telling tales out of school: Modernist, critical, and postmodern “true stories” about educational computing
M Bryson, S De Castell
Journal of Educational Computing Research 10 (3), 199-221, 1994
Retooling play: Dystopia, dysphoria, and difference
S De Castell, M Bryson
From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: gender and computer games, 232-261, 1998
Theorizing gender and digital gameplay: Oversights, accidents and surprises
J Jenson, S De Castell
Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture 2 (1), 15-25, 2008
Girls@ Play: An ethnographic study of gender and digital gameplay
J Jenson, S De Castell
Feminist Media Studies 11 (2), 167-179, 2011
Paying attention to attention: New economies for learning
S De Castell, J Jenson
Educational Theory 54 (4), 381-397, 2004
Object lessons: Towards an educational theory of technology
S De Castell, M Bryson, J Jenson
First Monday, 2002
Prospects for identity formation for lesbian, gay, or bisexual persons with developmental disabilities
SA Thompson, M Bryson, S De Castell
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 48 (1), 53-65, 2001
New technologies and the cultural ecology of primary schooling: Imagining teachers as luddites in/deed
M Bryson, S De Castell
Educational Policy 12 (5), 542-567, 1998
“Girl talk”: Gender, equity, and identity discourses in a school-based computer culture
J Jenson, S De Castell, M Bryson
Women's Studies International Forum 26 (6), 561-573, 2003
Tipping points: Marginality, misogyny and videogames
J Jenson, S De Castell
Journal of Curriculum Theorizing 29 (2), 2013
Alienated playbour: Relations of production in EVE online
N Taylor, K Bergstrom, J Jenson, S de Castell
Games and Culture 10 (4), 365-388, 2015
Girls playing games: Rethinking stereotypes
J Jenson, S de Castell, S Fisher
Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Future Play, 9-16, 2007
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Articles 1–20