A lower-bound error for free-run simulation of the polynomial NARMAX EG Nepomuceno, SAM Martins Systems Science and Control Engineering An Open Access Journal, 2016 | 86 | 2016 |
Detecting unreliable computer simulations of recursive functions with interval extensions EG Nepomuceno, SAM Martins, BC Silva, GFV Amaral, M Perc Applied Mathematics and Computation 329, 408-419, 2018 | 38 | 2018 |
Computation of the largest positive Lyapunov exponent using rounding mode and recursive least square algorithm MLC Peixoto, EG Nepomuceno, SAM Martins, MJ Lacerda Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 112, 36-43, 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
On the lower bound error for discrete maps using associative property EG Nepomuceno, SAM Martins, GFV Amaral, R Riveret Systems Science & Control Engineering 5 (1), 462-473, 2017 | 36 | 2017 |
Graphical interface as a teaching aid for nonlinear dynamical systems PHO Silva, LG Nardo, SAM Martins, EG Nepomuceno, M Perc European Journal of Physics 39 (6), 065105, 2018 | 33 | 2018 |
Improved structure detection for polynomial NARX models using a multiobjective error reduction ratio SAM Martins, EG Nepomuceno, MFS Barroso Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 24, 764-772, 2013 | 32 | 2013 |
Sufficient conditions for rate-independent hysteresis in autoregressive identified models SAM Martins, LA Aguirre Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 75, 607-617, 2016 | 31 | 2016 |
Sysidentpy: A python package for system identification using narmax models WR Lacerda, LPC da Andrade, SCP Oliveira, SAM Martins Journal of Open Source Software 5 (54), 2384, 2020 | 29 | 2020 |
On the use of interval extensions to estimate the largest Lyapunov exponent from chaotic data EG Nepomuceno, SAM Martins, MJ Lacerda, EMAM Mendes Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2018 (1), 6909151, 2018 | 22 | 2018 |
A note on the reproducibility of chaos simulation TE Nazaré, EG Nepomuceno, SAM Martins, DN Butusov Entropy 22 (9), 953, 2020 | 18 | 2020 |
Control of hysteretic systems through an analytical inverse compensation based on a NARX model WRL Junior, SAM Martins, EG Nepomuceno, MJ Lacerda IEEE Access 7, 98228-98237, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
Interval computing periodic orbits of maps using a piecewise approach EG Nepomuceno, HMR Junior, SAM Martins, M Perc, M Slavinec Applied Mathematics and Computation 336, 67-75, 2018 | 16 | 2018 |
Cambio climático y el aumento del nivel del mar E Caetano, V Innocentini, V Magaña, S Martins, B Méndez Vulnerabilidad de las zonas costeras mexicanas ante el cambio climático …, 2011 | 16 | 2011 |
Investigation of static curve information for multiobjective system identification SAM Martins, DCS Braga, EG Nepomuceno, TV Gomes, MLF Reis Journal of Computational Interdisciplinary Sciences 1 (2), 149-157, 2009 | 9 | 2009 |
Improvement of bleached kraft pulp properties by cellulose oxidation AP Duarte, S Martins, C Abrantes, MI Ismael, R Simoes, JA Figueiredo Papel 67 (10), 76-82, 2006 | 9 | 2006 |
Influência de Softwares e Sistemas Operacionais na Simulação de Modelos Dinâmicos Não Lineares FL Milani, WR Lacerda Júnior, SAM Martins, EG Nepomuceno XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Structure selection based on interval predictor model for recovering static non‐linearities from chaotic data MJ Lacerda, SAM Martins, EG Nepomuceno IET Control Theory & Applications 12 (13), 1889-1894, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
Detecção de estruturas de modelos narmax polinomiais: uma abordagem inteligente multi-objetivo SAM Martins, EG Nepomuceno, JP Figueiredo Anais do X Simpósio Brasileiro de Automaçao Inteligente, 320-325, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
Inconsistencies in numerical simulations of dynamical systems using interval arithmetic EG Nepomuceno, MLC Peixoto, SAM Martins, HM Rodrigues, M Perc International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 28 (04), 1850055, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Exploiting the rounding mode of floating-point in the simulation of Chua’s circuit MR Silva, E Nepomuceno, GFV Amaral, SAM Martins, LG Nardo Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity 7 (2), 185-193, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |