Samir Angelo Milani Martins
Cited by
Cited by
A lower-bound error for free-run simulation of the polynomial NARMAX
EG Nepomuceno, SAM Martins
Systems Science and Control Engineering An Open Access Journal, 2016
Detecting unreliable computer simulations of recursive functions with interval extensions
EG Nepomuceno, SAM Martins, BC Silva, GFV Amaral, M Perc
Applied Mathematics and Computation 329, 408-419, 2018
Computation of the largest positive Lyapunov exponent using rounding mode and recursive least square algorithm
MLC Peixoto, EG Nepomuceno, SAM Martins, MJ Lacerda
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 112, 36-43, 2018
On the lower bound error for discrete maps using associative property
EG Nepomuceno, SAM Martins, GFV Amaral, R Riveret
Systems Science & Control Engineering 5 (1), 462-473, 2017
Graphical interface as a teaching aid for nonlinear dynamical systems
PHO Silva, LG Nardo, SAM Martins, EG Nepomuceno, M Perc
European Journal of Physics 39 (6), 065105, 2018
Improved structure detection for polynomial NARX models using a multiobjective error reduction ratio
SAM Martins, EG Nepomuceno, MFS Barroso
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 24, 764-772, 2013
Sufficient conditions for rate-independent hysteresis in autoregressive identified models
SAM Martins, LA Aguirre
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 75, 607-617, 2016
Sysidentpy: A python package for system identification using narmax models
WR Lacerda, LPC da Andrade, SCP Oliveira, SAM Martins
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (54), 2384, 2020
On the use of interval extensions to estimate the largest Lyapunov exponent from chaotic data
EG Nepomuceno, SAM Martins, MJ Lacerda, EMAM Mendes
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2018 (1), 6909151, 2018
A note on the reproducibility of chaos simulation
TE Nazaré, EG Nepomuceno, SAM Martins, DN Butusov
Entropy 22 (9), 953, 2020
Control of hysteretic systems through an analytical inverse compensation based on a NARX model
WRL Junior, SAM Martins, EG Nepomuceno, MJ Lacerda
IEEE Access 7, 98228-98237, 2019
Interval computing periodic orbits of maps using a piecewise approach
EG Nepomuceno, HMR Junior, SAM Martins, M Perc, M Slavinec
Applied Mathematics and Computation 336, 67-75, 2018
Cambio climático y el aumento del nivel del mar
E Caetano, V Innocentini, V Magaña, S Martins, B Méndez
Vulnerabilidad de las zonas costeras mexicanas ante el cambio climático …, 2011
Investigation of static curve information for multiobjective system identification
SAM Martins, DCS Braga, EG Nepomuceno, TV Gomes, MLF Reis
Journal of Computational Interdisciplinary Sciences 1 (2), 149-157, 2009
Improvement of bleached kraft pulp properties by cellulose oxidation
AP Duarte, S Martins, C Abrantes, MI Ismael, R Simoes, JA Figueiredo
Papel 67 (10), 76-82, 2006
Influência de Softwares e Sistemas Operacionais na Simulação de Modelos Dinâmicos Não Lineares
FL Milani, WR Lacerda Júnior, SAM Martins, EG Nepomuceno
XXI Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2016
Structure selection based on interval predictor model for recovering static non‐linearities from chaotic data
MJ Lacerda, SAM Martins, EG Nepomuceno
IET Control Theory & Applications 12 (13), 1889-1894, 2018
Detecção de estruturas de modelos narmax polinomiais: uma abordagem inteligente multi-objetivo
SAM Martins, EG Nepomuceno, JP Figueiredo
Anais do X Simpósio Brasileiro de Automaçao Inteligente, 320-325, 2011
Inconsistencies in numerical simulations of dynamical systems using interval arithmetic
EG Nepomuceno, MLC Peixoto, SAM Martins, HM Rodrigues, M Perc
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 28 (04), 1850055, 2018
Exploiting the rounding mode of floating-point in the simulation of Chua’s circuit
MR Silva, E Nepomuceno, GFV Amaral, SAM Martins, LG Nardo
Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity 7 (2), 185-193, 2018
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Articles 1–20