Jacob van der Woude
Jacob van der Woude
Associate professor Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology
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Cited by
Max Plus at work: modeling and analysis of synchronized systems: a course on Max-Plus algebra and its applications
B Heidergott, GJ Olsder, J Van Der Woude
Princeton University Press, 2014
Generic properties and control of linear structured systems: a survey
JM Dion, C Commault, J Van der Woude
Automatica 39 (7), 1125-1144, 2003
Mathematical systems theory
GJ Olsder, JW van der Woude
VSSD, 2005
A system of real quaternion matrix equations with applications
QW Wang, JW Van der Woude, HX Chang
Linear Algebra and its Applications 431 (12), 2291-2303, 2009
A graph-theoretic characterization for the rank of the transfer matrix of a structured system
JW Van der Woude
Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems 4, 33-40, 1991
Max-plus at Work: Modelingand Analysisof Synchronized Systems. Princeto Series in Applied Mathematics
B Heidergott, GJ Olsder, J vander Woude
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006
On the structure at infinity of a structured system
JW Van Der Woude
Linear algebra and its applications 148, 145-169, 1991
Characterization of generic properties of linear structured systems for efficient computations
C Commault, JM Dion, JW van der Woude
Kybernetika 38 (5), [503]-520, 2002
The generic number of invariant zeros of a structured linear system
J van der Woude
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 38 (1), 1-21, 1999
Almost non-interacting control by measurement feedback
JW Van der Woude
Systems & control letters 9 (1), 7-16, 1987
The disturbance decoupling problem with measurement feedback and stability for systems with direct feedthrough matrices
AA Stoorvogel, JW Van der Woude
Systems & Control Letters 17 (3), 217-226, 1991
Secondary frequency control of microgrids: An online reinforcement learning approach
M Adibi, J Van Der Woude
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 67 (9), 4824-4831, 2022
On the stability of the pulsewidth-modulated C/spl acute/uk converter
Y Fuad, WL De Koning, JW Van der Woude
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 51 (8), 412-420, 2004
Feedback decoupling and stabilization for linear systems with multiple exogenous variables
JW van der Woude
A note on pole placement by static output feedback for single-input systems
JW Van der Woude
Systems & Control Letters 11 (4), 285-287, 1988
An equivalence canonical form of a matrix triplet over an arbitrary division ring with applications
QW Wang, JW Van der Woude, SW Yu
Science China Mathematics 54 (5), 907-924, 2011
On the periodic behavior of PWM DC-DC converters
JW van der Woude, WL de Koning, Y Fuad
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 17 (4), 585-595, 2002
Disturbance decoupling with pole placement for structured systems: a graph-theoretic approach
J van der Woude, K Murota
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 16 (3), 922-942, 1995
On the fixed controllable subspace in linear structured systems
C Commault, J Van Der Woude, T Boukhobza
Systems & Control Letters 102, 42-47, 2017
Structure at infinity of structured descriptor systems and its applications
K Murota, JW Van Der Woude
SIAM journal on control and optimization 29 (4), 878-894, 1991
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Articles 1–20