Robert D. Stevenson
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Cited by
Integrating thermal physiology and ecology of ectotherms: a discussion of approaches
RB Huey, RD Stevenson
American Zoologist 19 (1), 357-366, 1979
Evaluating temperature regulation by field-active ectotherms: the fallacy of the inappropriate question
PE Hertz, RB Huey, RD Stevenson
The American Naturalist 142 (5), 796-818, 1993
Condition indices for conservation: new uses for evolving tools
RD Stevenson, WA Woods Jr
Integrative and comparative biology 46 (6), 1169-1190, 2006
The relative importance of behavioral and physiological adjustments controlling body temperature in terrestrial ectotherms
RD Stevenson
The American Naturalist 126 (3), 362-386, 1985
Body size and limits to the daily range of body temperature in terrestrial ectotherms
RD Stevenson
The American Naturalist 125 (1), 102-117, 1985
The thermal dependence of locomotion, tongue flicking, digestion, and oxygen consumption in the wandering garter snake
RD Stevenson, CR Peterson, JS Tsuji
Physiological Zoology 58 (1), 46-57, 1985
Mechanisms for data quality and validation in citizen science
A Wiggins, G Newman, RD Stevenson, K Crowston
2011 IEEE Seventh international conference on e-Science Workshops, 14-19, 2011
Effects of operating frequency and temperature on mechanical power output from moth flight muscle
RD Stevenson, RK Josephson
Journal of Experimental Biology 149 (1), 61-78, 1990
Physiological correlates of foraging efforts in honey-bees: oxygen consumption and nectar load
TJ Wolf, P Schmid-Hempel, CP Ellington, RD Stevenson
Functional Ecology, 417-424, 1989
Honeybee flight metabolic rate: does it depend upon air temperature?
WA Woods Jr, B Heinrich, RD Stevenson
Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (6), 1161-1173, 2005
Next-generation field guides
EJ Farnsworth, M Chu, WJ Kress, AK Neill, JH Best, J Pickering, ...
BioScience 63 (11), 891-899, 2013
Wavelength discrimination and the role of ultraviolet vision in the feeding behavior of hawkmoths
RH White, RD Stevenson, RR Bennett, DE Cutler, WA Haber
Biotropica, 427-435, 1994
Electronic field guides and user communities in the eco-informatics revolution
RD Stevenson, WA Haber, RA Morris
Conservation Ecology 7 (1), 2003
Energy requirements for lactation and postnatal growth in captive golden-mantled ground squirrels
GJ Kenagy, RD Stevenson, D Masman
Physiological Zoology 62 (2), 470-487, 1989
Data management guide for public participation in scientific research
A Wiggins, R Bonney, E Graham, S Henderson, S Kelling, G LeBuhn, ...
DataOne Working Group, 1-41, 2013
Feeding Behavior in the Nocturnal Moth Manduca Sexta is Mediated Mainly by Blue Receptors, but where are they Located in the Retina?
DE Cutler, RR Bennett, RD Stevenson, RH White
Journal of Experimental Biology 198 (9), 1909-1917, 1995
Temperature regulation and microhabitat choice by free-ranging Galapagos fur seal pups (Arctocephalus galapagoensis)
D Limberger, F Trillmich, H Biebach, RD Stevenson
Oecologia 69, 53-59, 1986
The efficiency of a flight muscle from the locust Schistocerca americana.
RK Josephson, RD Stevenson
The Journal of physiology 442 (1), 413-429, 1991
Role of body temperature in the seasonality of daily activity in tenebrionid beetles of eastern Washington
GJ Kenagy, RD Stevenson
Ecology 63 (5), 1491-1503, 1982
A field-portable racetrack and timer for measuring acceleration and speed of small cursorial animals
RB Huey, W Schneider, GL Erie, RD Stevenson
Experientia 37, 1356-1357, 1981
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20