Olivier Leveque
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Cited by
Hierarchical Cooperation Achieves Optimal Capacity Scaling in Ad Hoc Networks
A Ozgur, O Lévêque, NC David
IEEE Transactions on information theory 53 (10), 3549-3572, 2007
Information-theoretic upper bounds on the capacity of large extended ad hoc wireless networks
O Lévêque, IE Telatar
IEEE transactions on information theory 51 (3), 858-865, 2005
Spatial degrees of freedom of large distributed MIMO systems and wireless ad hoc networks
A Ozgur, O Lévêque, D Tse
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (2), 202-214, 2013
Information-theoretic operating regimes of large wireless networks
A Ozgur, R Johari, NC David, O Lévêque
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (1), 427-437, 2009
On the MIMO Channel Capacity for the Nakagami- Channel
G Fraidenraich, O Lévêque, JM Cioffi
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (8), 3752-3757, 2008
Asymptotic capacity of multi-level amplify-and-forward relay networks
S Yeh, O Lévêque
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 1436-1440, 2007
Throughput-Delay Tradeoff for Hierarchical Cooperation in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
A Ozgur, O Lévêque
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (3), 1369-1377, 2010
Scaling laws for one-and two-dimensional random wireless networks in the low-attenuation regime
A Ozgur, O Lévêque, E Preissmann
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53 (10), 3573-3585, 2007
Operating regimes of large wireless networks
A Özgür, O Lévêque, D Tse
Foundations and Trends® in Networking 5 (1), 1-107, 2011
On the MIMO channel capacity for the dual and asymptotic cases over Hoyt channels
G Fraidenraich, O Lévêque, JM Cioffi
IEEE communications letters 11 (1), 31-33, 2007
How does the information capacity of ad hoc networks scale?
A Özgür, O Leveque, D Tse
Proceedings of the Forty-fourth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication …, 2006
Second-order linear hyperbolic SPDEs driven by isotropic Gaussian noise on a sphere
RC Dalang, O Lévêque
The Annals of Probability 32 (1B), 1068-1099, 2004
Assessing computational thinking: Development and validation of the algorithmic thinking test for adults
M Lafuente Martínez, O Lévêque, I Benítez, C Hardebolle, JD Zufferey
Journal of Educational Computing Research 60 (6), 1436-1463, 2022
Product multicommodity flow in wireless networks
R Madan, D Shah, O Leveque
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (4), 1460-1476, 2008
Diversity-multiplexing tradeoff for the slow fading interference channel
E Akuiyibo, O Lévêque
2008 IEEE International Zurich Seminar on Communications, 140-143, 2008
Effects of colonization asymmetries on metapopulation persistence
S Vuilleumier, BM Bolker, O Lévêque
Theoretical population biology 78 (3), 225-238, 2010
Linear capacity scaling in wireless networks: Beyond physical limits?
A Özgür, O Lévêque, D Tse
2010 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), 1-10, 2010
High SNR analysis of the MIMO interference channel
E Akuiyibo, O Lévêque, C Vignat
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 905-909, 2008
Hyperbolic stochastic partial differential equations driven by boundary noises
O Lévêque
EPFL, 2001
Diversity-multiplexing tradeoff for the MIMO static half-duplex relay
O Lévêque, C Vignat, M Yüksel
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (7), 3356-3368, 2010
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Articles 1–20