Camilo Franco
Camilo Franco
European Environment Agency
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Cited by
A fuzzy approach to a multiple criteria and Geographical Information System for decision support on suitable locations for biogas plants
C Franco, M Bojesen, JL Hougaard, K Nielsen
Applied Energy 140, 304-315, 2015
Brix, pH and anthocyanin content determination in whole Port wine grape berries by hyperspectral imaging and neural networks
AM Fernandes, C Franco, A Mendes-Ferreira, A Mendes-Faia, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 115, 88-96, 2015
The value of precision for image-based decision support in weed management
C Franco, SM Pedersen, H Papaharalampos, JE Ørum
Precision Agriculture 18, 366-382, 2017
The impact of energy efficiency and decarbonisation policies on the European road transport sector
ST Tzeiranaki, M Economidou, P Bertoldi, C Thiel, G Fontaras, ...
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 170, 103623, 2023
Paired structures in knowledge representation
J Montero, H Bustince, C Franco, JT Rodríguez, D Gómez, M Pagola, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 100, 50-58, 2016
A fuzzy and bipolar approach to preference modeling with application to need and desire
C Franco, J Montero, JT Rodríguez
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 214, 20-34, 2013
Covenant of Mayors: 2021 assessment
G Melica, A Treville, C Franco De Los Rios, M Baldi, F Monforti-Ferrario, ...
Climate change mitigation and adaptation at local level (European Commission …, 2022
Color classification methods for perennial weed detection in cereal crops
MG Forero, S Herrera-Rivera, J Ávila-Navarro, CA Franco, J Rasmussen, ...
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and …, 2019
Prediction of greenhouse gas emissions for cities and local municipalities monitoring their advances to mitigate and adapt to climate change
C Franco, G Melica, A Treville, MG Baldi, E Pisoni, P Bertoldi, C Thiel
Sustainable Cities and Society 86, 104114, 2022
An ordinal approach to computing with words and the preference–aversion model
C Franco, JT Rodriguez, J Montero
Information Sciences 258, 239-248, 2014
Key predictors of greenhouse gas emissions for cities committing to mitigate and adapt to climate change
C Franco, G Melica, A Treville, MG Baldi, A Ortega, P Bertoldi, C Thiel
Cities 137, 104342, 2023
On the analytic hierarchy process and decision support based on fuzzy-linguistic preference structures
CA Franco
Knowledge-Based Systems 70, 203-211, 2014
An axiomatic approach to the notion of semantic antagonism
JT Rodríguez, C Franco, B Vitoriano, J Montero
Society for soft computing, 2011
On the semantics of bipolarity and fuzziness
JT Rodríguez, CA Franco, J Montero
Eurofuse 2011: Workshop on Fuzzy Methods for Knowledge-Based Systems, 193-205, 2012
Building the meaning of preference from logical paired structures
C Franco, JT Rodríguez, J Montero
Knowledge-Based Systems 83, 32-41, 2015
El formalismo axiomático en economía
CA Franco de los Ríos
Cuadernos de Economía 24 (43), 35-63, 2005
Automatic detection of thistle-weeds in cereal crops from aerial RGB images
C Franco, C Guada, JT Rodríguez, J Nielsen, J Rasmussen, D Gómez, ...
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based …, 2018
The Fuzzy WOD Model with application to biogas plant location
C Franco, M Bojesen, JL Hougaard, K Nielsen
International Joint Conference SOCO’13-CISIS’13-ICEUTE’13: Salamanca, Spain …, 2014
Paired structures, imprecision types and two-level knowledge representation by means of opposites
J Tinguaro Rodríguez, C Franco, D Gómez, J Montero
Novel Developments in Uncertainty Representation and Processing: Advances in …, 2016
A fuzzy approach to the Weighted Overlap Dominance Model
C Franco, JL Hougaard, K Nielsen
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial …, 2013
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Articles 1–20