Jianshan Sun
Cited by
Cited by
Sentiment classification: The contribution of ensemble learning
G Wang, J Sun, J Ma, K Xu, J Gu
Decision support systems 57, 77-93, 2014
Exploring the effect of overload on the discontinuous intention of social media users: An SOR perspective
X Cao, J Sun
Computers in human behavior 81, 10-18, 2018
Generative adversarial active learning for unsupervised outlier detection
Y Liu, Z Li, C Zhou, Y Jiang, J Sun, M Wang, X He
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 32 (8), 1517-1528, 2019
An investigation on online reviews in sharing economy driven hospitality platforms: A viewpoint of trust
X Cheng, S Fu, J Sun, A Bilgihan, F Okumus
Tourism Management 71, 366-377, 2019
Deep learning-based personality recognition from text posts of online social networks
D Xue, L Wu, Z Hong, S Guo, L Gao, Z Wu, X Zhong, J Sun
Applied Intelligence 48 (11), 4232-4246, 2018
Mining affective text to improve social media item recommendation
J Sun, G Wang, X Cheng, Y Fu
Information Processing & Management 51 (4), 444-457, 2015
POS-RS: A Random Subspace method for sentiment classification based on part-of-speech analysis
G Wang, Z Zhang, J Sun, S Yang, CA Larson
Information Processing & Management 51 (4), 458-479, 2015
Investigating individual trust in semi-virtual collaboration of multicultural and unicultural teams
X Cheng, S Fu, J Sun, Y Han, J Shen, A Zarifis
Computers in Human Behavior 62, 267-276, 2016
Leverage RAF to find domain experts on research social network services: A big data analytics methodology with MapReduce framework
J Sun, W Xu, J Ma, J Sun
International Journal of Production Economics 165, 185-193, 2015
Digital twins in human understanding: A deep learning-based method to recognize personality traits
J Sun, Z Tian, Y Fu, J Geng, C Liu
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 34 (7-8), 860-873, 2021
Leveraging content and connections for scientific article recommendation in social computing contexts
J Sun, J Ma, Z Liu, Y Miao
The Computer Journal 57 (9), 1331-1342, 2014
Understanding the relationship between food experiential quality and customer dining satisfaction: A perspective on negative bias
Y Liu, Y Song, J Sun, C Sun, C Liu, X Chen
International Journal of Hospitality Management 87, 102381, 2020
A personalized information recommendation system for R&D project opportunity finding in big data contexts
W Xu, J Sun, J Ma, W Du
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 59, 362-369, 2016
iLDA: An interactive latent Dirichlet allocation model to improve topic quality
Y Liu, F Du, J Sun, Y Jiang
Journal of Information Science 46 (1), 23-40, 2020
Impulsive purchase behaviour in social commerce: The role of social influence
H Xi, Z Hong, S Jianshan, X Li, W Jiuchang, R Davison
Cloud service recommendation based on unstructured textual information
Y Jiang, D Tao, Y Liu, J Sun, H Ling
Future Generation Computer Systems 97, 387-396, 2019
Artificial intelligence and deep learning in educational technology research and practice
X Cheng, J Sun, A Zarifis
British Journal of Educational Technology 51 (5), 1653-1656, 2020
Application of a novel collaboration engineering method for learning design: A case study
X Cheng, Y Li, J Sun, J Huang
British Journal of Educational Technology 47 (4), 803-818, 2016
Scientific collaborator recommendation in heterogeneous bibliographic networks
C Yang, J Sun, J Ma, S Zhang, G Wang, Z Hua
2015 48th Hawaii international conference on system sciences, 552-561, 2015
Dual subgraph-based graph neural network for friendship prediction in location-based social networks
X Wei, Y Liu, J Sun, Y Jiang, Q Tang, K Yuan
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 17 (3), 1-28, 2023
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