Ali Tizghadam
Ali Tizghadam
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Cited by
Autonomic traffic engineering for network robustness
A Tizghadam, A Leon-Garcia
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 28 (1), 39-50, 2009
Betweenness centrality and resistance distance in communication networks
A Tizghadam, A Leon-Garcia
IEEE network 24 (6), 10-16, 2010
Comparison of network criticality, algebraic connectivity, and other graph metrics
A Bigdeli, A Tizghadam, A Leon-Garcia
Proceedings of the 1st Annual Workshop on Simplifying Complex Network for …, 2009
Machine Learning in Transportation.
A Tizghadam, H Khazaei, MHY Moghaddam, Y Hassan
Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019
Elascale: Autoscaling and monitoring as a service
H Khazaei, R Ravichandiran, B Park, H Bannazadeh, A Tizghadam, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.03204, 2017
On robust traffic engineering in transport networks
A Tizghadam, A Leon-Garcia
IEEE GLOBECOM 2008-2008 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 1-6, 2008
Robust clustering for connected vehicles using local network criticality
W Li, A Tizghadam, A Leon-Garcia
2012 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 7157-7161, 2012
Joint NFV placement and routing for multicast service on SDN
SQ Zhang, A Tizghadam, B Park, H Bannazadeh, A Leon-Garcia
NOMS 2016-2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 333-341, 2016
Virtual network approach to scalable IP service deployment and efficient resource management
Y Cheng, R Farha, A Tizghadam, MS Kim, M Hashemi, A Leon-Garcia, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 43 (10), 76-84, 2005
An ICN-based publish-subscribe platform to deliver UAV service in smart cities
A Shariat, A Tizghadam, A Leon-Garcia
2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS …, 2016
A graph theoretical approach to traffic engineering and network control problem
A Tizghadam, A Leon-Garcia
2009 21st International Teletraffic Congress, 1-8, 2009
TCAM space-efficient routing in a software defined network
SQ Zhang, Q Zhang, A Tizghadam, B Park, H Bannazadeh, R Boutaba, ...
Computer Networks 125, 26-40, 2017
LLM-based policy generation for intent-based management of applications
K Dzeparoska, J Lin, A Tizghadam, A Leon-Garcia
2023 19th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 1-7, 2023
Queue-learning: A reinforcement learning approach for providing quality of service
M Raeis, A Tizghadam, A Leon-Garcia
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (1), 461-468, 2021
Spatio-temporal anomaly detection in intelligent transportation systems
MH Hassan, A Tizghadam, A Leon-Garcia
Procedia Computer Science 151, 852-857, 2019
Robust online learning against malicious manipulation and feedback delay with application to network flow classification
Y Li, B Liang, A Tizghadam
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 39 (8), 2648-2663, 2021
Towards a multi-cluster analytical engine for transportation data
M Shtern, R Mian, M Litoiu, S Zareian, H Abdelgawad, A Tizghadam
2014 International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing, 249-257, 2014
AORTA: Autonomic network control and management system
A Tizghadam, A Leon-Garcia
IEEE INFOCOM Workshops 2008, 1-4, 2008
Reinforcement learning-based admission control in delay-sensitive service systems
M Raeis, A Tizghadam, A Leon-Garcia
GLOBECOM 2020-2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6, 2020
Survival value of communication networks
A Tizghadam, A Leon-Garcia
IEEE INFOCOM Workshops 2009, 1-6, 2009
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Articles 1–20