Sigang Yang
Sigang Yang
Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
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Theoretical study and experimental fabrication of high negative dispersion photonic crystal fiber with large area mode field
S Yang, Y Zhang, X Peng, Y Lu, S Xie, J Li, W Chen, Z Jiang, J Peng, H Li
Optics Express 14 (7), 3015-3023, 2006
Photonic machine learning with on-chip diffractive optics
T Fu, Y Zang, Y Huang, Z Du, H Huang, C Hu, M Chen, S Yang, H Chen
Nature Communications 14 (1), 70, 2023
Broadband dispersion-compensating photonic crystal fiber
S Yang, Y Zhang, L He, S Xie
Optics letters 31 (19), 2830-2832, 2006
IODP Expedition 331: Strong and expansive subseafloor hydrothermal activities in the Okinawa Trough
K Takai, MJ Mottl, SHH Nielsen
Scientific Drilling 13, 19-27, 2012
Multiple-frequency measurement based on serial photonic channelization using optical wavelength scanning
R Li, H Chen, Y Yu, M Chen, S Yang, S Xie
Optics letters 38 (22), 4781-4784, 2013
Widely tunable picosecond optical parametric oscillator using highly nonlinear fiber
Y Zhou, KKY Cheung, S Yang, PC Chui, KKY Wong
Optics letters 34 (7), 989-991, 2009
LOEN: Lensless opto-electronic neural network empowered machine vision
W Shi, Z Huang, H Huang, C Hu, M Chen, S Yang, H Chen
Light: Science & Applications 11 (1), 121, 2022
Hybrid integrated low-noise linear chirp frequency-modulated continuous-wave laser source based on self-injection to an external cavity
L Tang, H Jia, S Shao, S Yang, H Chen, M Chen
Photonics Research 9 (10), 1948-1957, 2021
Compressive sensing based high-speed time-stretch optical microscopy for two-dimensional image acquisition
Q Guo, H Chen, Z Weng, M Chen, S Yang, S Xie
Optics Express 23 (23), 29639-29646, 2015
Silicon nitride chirped spiral Bragg grating with large group delay
Z Du, C Xiang, T Fu, M Chen, S Yang, JE Bowers, H Chen
APL Photonics 5 (10), 2020
Photonics-assisted serial channelized radio-frequency measurement system with Nyquist-bandwidth detection
H Chen, R Li, C Lei, Y Yu, M Chen, S Yang, S Xie
IEEE Photonics Journal 6 (6), 1-7, 2014
60-nm-wide tunable single-longitudinal-mode ytterbium fiber laser with passive multiple-ring cavity
F Yin, S Yang, H Chen, M Chen, S Xie
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 23 (22), 1658-1660, 2011
噪音交易, 投资者情绪波动与股票收益
张强, 杨淑娥
系统工程理论与实践, 40-47, 2009
On-chip photonic diffractive optical neural network based on a spatial domain electromagnetic propagation model
T Fu, Y Zang, H Huang, Z Du, C Hu, M Chen, S Yang, H Chen
Optics Express 29 (20), 31924-31940, 2021
Tunable Self-Injected Fabry–Perot Laser Diode Coupled to an External High-Q Si3N4 /SiO2 Microring Resonator
Y Li, Y Zhang, H Chen, S Yang, M Chen
Journal of Lightwave Technology 36 (16), 3269-3274, 2018
Actively mode-locked fiber optical parametric oscillator
S Yang, Y Zhou, J Li, KKY Wong
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 15 (2), 393-398, 2009
Fully integrated hybrid microwave photonic receiver
J Li, S Yang, H Chen, X Wang, M Chen, W Zou
Photonics Research 10 (6), 1472-1483, 2022
All-fiber-based ultrashort pulse generation and chirped pulse amplification through parametric processes
Y Zhou, Q Li, KKY Cheung, S Yang, PC Chui, KKY Wong
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 22 (17), 1330-1332, 2010
Slow-light delay enhancement in small-core pure silica photonic crystal fiber based on Brillouin scattering
S Yang, H Chen, C Qiu, M Chen, M Chen, S Xie, J Li, W Chen
Optics letters 33 (2), 95-97, 2008
Dual-wavelength DFB fiber laser based on a chirped structure and the equivalent phase shift method
Y Dai, X Chen, J Sun, Y Yao, S Xie
IEEE photonics technology letters 18 (18), 1964-1966, 2006
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