Lerenhan Li
Cited by
Cited by
Domain adaptation for image dehazing
Y Shao, L Li, W Ren, C Gao, N Sang
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2020
Semi-supervised image dehazing
L Li, Y Dong, W Ren, J Pan, C Gao, N Sang, MH Yang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 2766-2779, 2019
Learning a discriminative prior for blind image deblurring
L Li, J Pan, WS Lai, C Gao, N Sang, MH Yang
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018
Blind image deblurring via deep discriminative priors
L Li, J Pan, WS Lai, C Gao, N Sang, MH Yang
International journal of computer vision 127, 1025-1043, 2019
Dynamic scene deblurring by depth guided model
L Li, J Pan, WS Lai, C Gao, N Sang, MH Yang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 5273-5288, 2020
Gtnet: Generative transfer network for zero-shot object detection
S Zhao, C Gao, Y Shao, L Li, C Yu, Z Ji, N Sang
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 34 (07), 12967 …, 2020
Aero-thermal radiation correction via multi-scale bias field estimation
L Li, L Yan, N Sang, C Gao, J Hu
2015 3rd IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), 246-250, 2015
Motion-blur kernel size estimation via learning a convolutional neural network
L Li, N Sang, L Yan, C Gao
Pattern Recognition Letters 119, 86-93, 2019
Camera Style and Identity Disentangling Network for Person Re-identification.
R Zheng, L Li, C Han, C Gao, N Sang
BMVC, 66, 2019
Densenet-based multi-scale recurrent network for video restoration with Gaussian blur
L Wu, N Sang, J Yang, L Jing, C Gao, L Li
Image and Graphics: 10th International Conference, ICIG 2019, Beijing, China …, 2019
Blind deblurring of Gaussian blurred images by blurred edge image
Y Li, L Li, W Li, Z Fan, Z Chen, C Gao, N Sang
MIPPR 2019: Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision 11430, 15-21, 2020
Blurred template matching based on cascaded network
J Peng, N Sang, C Gao, L Li
Image and Graphics: 10th International Conference, ICIG 2019, Beijing, China …, 2019
Selecting good regions to deblur via relative total variation
L Li, H Yan, Z Fan, H Zheng, C Gao, N Sang
MIPPR 2017: Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision 10609, 128-135, 2018
Domain Adaptation for Image Dehazing Supplementary Materials
Y Shao, L Li, W Ren, C Gao, N Sang
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Articles 1–14